I'm going to chime in here as this thread is probably not going anywhere positive. On the shirt, a young woman sent one to Maddie and it was posted on Facebook to give it some advertisement. She did this shirt after the CNN piece and is using the proceeds to cover her cheer expense, especially the trip to Worlds I believe. We were just helping her out a bit. We think the shirt is funny. On the things such as going to Toledo this weekend, going to Dallas to do the show, going to Norway for a camp, Scott Foster, Justin Carrier and the coach from Norway contacted Maddie to do these things and she agreed. She takes care of all these issues, and as DJ said, it is laughable to think that she would do something she did not want to do with her life. We chime in with opinions and have the ultimate say, but she has not given us reason to try to tell her to do things differently. To suggest that Sarah is somehow Terri Sheilds is offensive.
Listen, I have no problem with criticizing her on her cheering, her skills, her public presentation. I do not think you are a hater if you feel she is not your favorite for any reason. However, when you stray over into degrading her character, like saying she faked an injury, or some other things I have heard sourced to people that post here, you are probably going to get a response from me. And when you purposely mischaracterize my family and their actions and intentions, well, I'll set the record straight. So from my pov, criticize away, but do not make up things to give a bad impression on her character or my family's actions with her decisions. And I think when kids are commenting on other kids, a lot of leeway is in order but if you are an adult making false statements or painting inaccurate scenarios, I'll speak up.