I think that is a reasonable thing to say but define "obsessiveness". I can tell you that virtually everyone we meet in the "non cyber" world is super nice, never intrusive, always polite and just genuinely seem to want to say hello and meet her. I do not know why these kids and adults at competitions and on the Internet are attracted to her or want to meet her. I can tell you it just happened for a combination of reasons including the growth of CEA, Courtney and Ben and their genius, 2 X 2 videos, Facebook, youtube, Worlds, competitions, message boards, ESPN, CNN. And she is not alone, there are others going through the same thing from many gyms. Some will not believe this but we had no plan, no PR campaign, no design. We're not that smart. It just happened, believe me when I tell you that if we had tried to make this happen I think it would have never happened. We just try to be polite and respond to everyone that said hello either in person or on line. It really has been humbling and flattering to her and by extension to the two people that love her the most. And we do not put too much stock in the anonymous world of the Internet as far as people and opinions go.
However, if there is "obsessiveness" it IS in the cyber world of facebook, youtube and message boards. But there has been no ramification for her or us from this sense of "obsessiveness" on the Internet. It appears not to motivate anyone to do anything except post opinions back and forth, pro and con, good and bad in there chosen forum. Courtney, CEA and to a lesser extent her seem to create a lot of discussion here. Look at the post and view counts on the threads dedicated to CEA. So if it does not hurt her, my question to those that truly appear to want to voice an opinion what is it about her present situation that interests you good or bad? I often play devils advocate here, but the most committed commentators, both pro and con, tend to congregate here. I watch and read because I care about her and want to stay informed. In this instance, no kidding I want to know how you feel? Send me a pm if you like. But yes, in 6 months she will be done, and move on to her college career and I think in the end, she will be relieved to be done.