The kids most definitely aren't stupid, nor are the dealers. Kudo's to the officer for at least trying, but I don't know of any kid that uses Facebook anymore, that was probably their first clue. Oldest cp was invited to bonfires and nearby lake parties by word of mouth, but they quickly figured out she wasn't going and stopped asking. I scroll though her Twitter from time to time and I don't ever see anyone talking about where the parties are going on, but they have no problem posting party pics on InstaGram.
Our neighbor has a son that has OD'd on heroin 4 times in the past year. I can't even fathom the amount of money this family has forked out for rehab and
every single time he completes the requirements, he goes straight to his dealer. They finally had their son arrested, and unfortunately, jail is probably the safest place for him. A former honor student and class president of our HS, just OD'd on heroin and died. I just find it extremely frustrating and heartbreaking.
Mother on mission to find man who sold deadly drugs to son |