*this is not towards dani, but just parents in general... So don't take it the wrong way*
One of the problems I have with drug and alcohol use is that most people are either A. Oblivious, or B. They turn the other cheek. How often do you hear about people going to a party, driving drunk, doing serious drugs and you just blow it off? And how many kids do you see that are good at hiding it? The kids I see posting pictures from parties on twitter and Instagram I can't help but question where the parents are in the situation. Your children are posting pictures of drugs, alcohol, and most parents are quick to say "oh no, my child will never do that...." Like I'm sorry, do you really think the beer pong table or the cup in their hand is just a coincidence? I'm not trying to judge people but I'm actually thankful for having an overprotective mom because it has kept me out of so much trouble. I know you can't control your kids once they go to college but in high school is where (most) kids are first introduced to these kind of drugs, the only difference about college is that they're more accessible.
As for cheerleading and drugs and alcohol- I believe all programs should have a zero tolerance policy. I know when I was younger I looked up to every single one of the girls who were older than me. Your role as a senior aged cheerleader is not only to be a part of a team, but to be a ROLE MODEL. Do you know how many kids follow you in Instagram and twitter and want to be just like you when they grow up? Are your pictures of drinking and smoking setting a good example for the younger kids? Absolutely not. Drug testing shouldn't be done on random athletes, but ALL senior aged athletes in your gym. Monthly. Harsh? Probably. But how many times is a tragedy going to have to happen before someone puts a stop to it? It's sad that this is what our sport has to come to, but how far are we going to let this go on before we do something that is actually effective?
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