All-Star Team Mom/dad

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I remembered on my daughter's team many of the activity planning/goody bags were shared and 1 Team Mom was not left doing everything. I believe her team had 2 Team Moms, but everything was coordinated well. I did noticed most of the major work were done by many of the Stay-at-home Moms and I was grateful that the working parent could just give money, sometimes. I had only 1 teeny, tiny complaint, sometimes some active parents treated this as a sorority or became cliquish and push some of the parents out of the circle. (Sometimes the helpers, not the Team Moms, just wanted the rest of us to just shut up and bank roll the activities) Sorry, if I digress on the subject!
PS: I always felt parents with 2 or more children on different teams, should be discounted in some way for fairness. Jmo
A goody bag fee? Oh my. Only in a female dominated activity would you see such a thing - just sayin'. My first question if someone tried to charge me such a fee would be "can I opt out of the goody bag fee and my CP just not get one?". My CP likes tshirts and apparel that say the comp name and maybe a bow that she picks out (that she usually pays for half for w/ her allowance and we match) - bags of trinkets and candy are for Birthday parties as a thank you for coming, not for just "showing up" at a competition. I know she feels this way because she has received many a goody bag at dance competitions by parents trying to campaign for "dance mom of the year" ;)...that's a joke, there was no such award, but it sure seemed like there was the way some dance moms act at some studios.

I know I sound cynical, but goody bags, special competition specific bows, social gatherings, etc. - these things aren't necessary - a team can bond and have a good experience w/o parents handing them gifts, new practice outfits, and throwing special parties for them every time they turn around. This stuff is nowhere near as prevelant in boys sports.
I guess I look at things differently and it could be my southern upbringing, but I always looked at being handed a goody bag gives my child an opportunity to be gracious to the Moms that are so thoughtful and did not have to do this... I still appreciate the mom, who made the special Twinkies last season with the special messages for each cheerleader and the special cookies she made too and the team name on headband and towel, which are keepsakes and my daughter will have forever to remember those good times...
For some people these goody bags are a waste, I think my daughter learned valuable lessons receiving them...
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A goody bag fee? Oh my. Only in a female dominated activity would you see such a thing - just sayin'. My first question if someone tried to charge me such a fee would be "can I opt out of the goody bag fee and my CP just not get one?". My CP likes tshirts and apparel that say the comp name and maybe a bow that she picks out (that she usually pays for half for w/ her allowance and we match) - bags of trinkets and candy are for Birthday parties as a thank you for coming, not for just "showing up" at a competition. I know she feels this way because she has received many a goody bag at dance competitions by parents trying to campaign for "dance mom of the year" ;)...that's a joke, there was no such award, but it sure seemed like there was the way some dance moms act at some studios.

I know I sound cynical, but goody bags, special competition specific bows, social gatherings, etc. - these things aren't necessary - a team can bond and have a good experience w/o parents handing them gifts, new practice outfits, and throwing special parties for them every time they turn around. This stuff is nowhere near as prevelant in boys sports.
At my gym, we pay for spirit gifts at the beginning of the season. We don't have team moms, every team gets the same spirit gift. I think it was around $50 (though I could be way off) and we get a gift before every comp, but you can opt out and you just don't get the spirit gifts. This past year we got little package of mini hairspray, teasing powder, and a teasing comb the first comp, a water bottle with the gym logo, a bow that said "Eagle Elite 2014-2015", a shirt that said the same thing and we signed everybody's, and there were two more that I'm blanking on now. They're not simply goody bags but you still can opt out if you don't want them or don't want to pay for them! You do get a good amount of stuff for your money though and it's not like a piece of candy it's stuff you'll actually use and keep. It's really nice!
@cheernerd5678, we had the same system, but it was set up for individual teams and we paid a monthly allowance like $3 to $5 to offset the cost of the team bonding activities and all goody bags given... We start given money like the 1st week in June and throughout the season, but I do not recall if anybody refuse the goody bags, but I do remember a parent complaining because she had children on 4 different teams, I hope she was able to find relief...
Just from reading the comments here, it seems like goody bags are definitely done in a lot of different ways. I'm the least crafty mom you will ever meet---my own husband does my kids hair and make-up for goodness sake because I suck that bad. I would much rather write you a check or pick up supplies than try and create something like bows or shirts or something. But I wouldn't object to a snack bag---I pack one anyway so a team specific one wouldn't be too terrible. The bags I've seen personally was always very healthy---water, a small gatorade, granola, peanut butter crackers, fresh fruit...etc. It wasn't killed with candy or sugary gummy snack type food. If it was, I'd definitely make some of that stuff disappear really fast.

The extra practice wear and bows just sounds like overkill if it's an every comp thing, once throughout the year for a big comp; her current gym has 3 comps that are like the end of the year as long as you get a bid/invite and each team has the ability to get invited/bid to one of them, so in that case, not a biggie. But for like everything else? Ehhhhh
Sorry to go back a bit in the conversation. The question was asked how Team Mom/Dad was chosen for a team. At our gym you apply for the position and fill out a brief application. Then you are selected and asked. It's completely voluntary with no perks or discounts. There's no seniority or ranking in terms of who gets chosen, but it does help if you're not a gossip or busybody. We strive for an anti-gossip gym and the Cheer Mom/Dad's that I know are great people and very helpful.

If you're not doing it in an altruistic way I'm not sure why anybody would want the position. I've done it 2yrs in a row now and enjoy the role. It also helps that I'm a typical Type A person and thrive on organization.
@CookieMomster that is an unique way to select a Team Mom/Dad, it is definitely fair and seems to treat this important job in a professional manner and may change how these people are treated.
I was wondering, you mentioned during the job twice,
1. do you have to apply and fill out an application each and every time or maybe your past performance is taken in account.
2. Additionally, if your child/ren ages off the team, do you have to apply all over again on the next level team and
3. last question, who interview the prospective applicants - Gym Owners Coaches, etc..
Sorry for so many questions ...
If you're going to be a team parent and solicit funds for a team gift, know your moms and what they can/can't afford.

You generally know if the kids on your child's team have multiple kids cheering, have two jobs, etc. or are just on a limited budget.

If that's the case, your team gift needs to not be (example) gym-colored Longchamp totes.
If you're going to be a team parent and solicit funds for a team gift, know your moms and what they can/can't afford.

You generally know if the kids on your child's team have multiple kids cheering, have two jobs, etc. or are just on a limited budget.

If that's the case, your team gift needs to not be (example) gym-colored Longchamp totes.

I really don't understand the concept of team gifts. I have never been at a programme that does team gifts. I know of a few that do them for worlds or a team t shirt for a big nationals but not a lot do it. I am self funded and I know a lot on my team are so that might be why.
I really don't understand the concept of team gifts. I have never been at a programme that does team gifts. I know of a few that do them for worlds or a team t shirt for a big nationals but not a lot do it. I am self funded and I know a lot on my team are so that might be why.

Not sure how CP's gym is doing things, but I know at the end of the year when I danced my mom paid for my trophy and non-CP is dancing at the same studio I'm paying $25 for an end of the year gift. This past year was a towel with studio specific sunglasses.
@CookieMomster that is an unique way to select a Team Mom/Dad, it is definitely fair and seems to treat this important job in a professional manner and may change how these people are treated.
I was wondering, you mentioned during the job twice,
1. do you have to apply and fill out an application each and every time or maybe your past performance is taken in account.
2. Additionally, if your child/ren ages off the team, do you have to apply all over again on the next level team and
3. last question, who interview the prospective applicants - Gym Owners Coaches, etc..
Sorry for so many questions ...
All great questions.

1. Yes, you have to fill out an application every season. You also have to state why you want to be a Team Mom/Dad.
2. Yes, because you have to apply every year you also have to apply if your child goes to the next level. Lil Bits went up to M2 this year and I had to re-apply.
3. The coaches, gym owners, and the Team Mom coordinator make it a point to get to know the applicants. So there's no interview process but reputation definitely can proceed a person. ;)

We also have a social fee policy. Meaning we can't ask an athele's family to contribute more than $30 total in a season for anything deemed social. That includes team bonding, coaches & CIT gifts, goodie bags, year end party etc. It's nice because it forces you to get creative for team events (hello potluck!), and there isn't a huge financial burden on families already spending so much already.
Not sure how CP's gym is doing things, but I know at the end of the year when I danced my mom paid for my trophy and non-CP is dancing at the same studio I'm paying $25 for an end of the year gift. This past year was a towel with studio specific sunglasses.

See at least that gift is useful outside of your hobby. I love bows but I dont wear them to practice so don't really need more than 1 or 2.
I am currently doing cheer and dance and my new studio as far as I am aware doesn't do gifts and such but organises social events like a trip to a theme park or a curry night which are optional but great way to meet people.

I am so greatful for the mums at the studio as they have given so many tips and advice about where to get my dance shoes. What to wear for my medal test and how to save money on competitions. They also as I have only started and they have already booked some hotel space for a comp have sorted me out with a place to stay.
Sorry to go back a bit in the conversation. The question was asked how Team Mom/Dad was chosen for a team. At our gym you apply for the position and fill out a brief application. Then you are selected and asked. It's completely voluntary with no perks or discounts. There's no seniority or ranking in terms of who gets chosen, but it does help if you're not a gossip or busybody. We strive for an anti-gossip gym and the Cheer Mom/Dad's that I know are great people and very helpful.

If you're not doing it in an altruistic way I'm not sure why anybody would want the position. I've done it 2yrs in a row now and enjoy the role. It also helps that I'm a typical Type A person and thrive on organization.
Our owners pick Who the team moms are, no Xtra perks r given
to them for what they do, they choose to do it. Most r very good at what is expected.
My mom has been my teams team mom for 3 or 4 Years. She makes a team twitter as well as a GRoup chat and she collects money for cool goody bags/team presents, organizing team dinners(she hates that), messenger for the parents/coaches, sends out massive GC etc.

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