All-Star Teammates "sabotaging" Eachother On Floor

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Have I got one of these stories,. And i'm not quite sure if it qualifies.
A girl on my j2 team last season had never had any problems with asthma. To be quite honest I don't think she has asthma. But her stunt started to fall and she continued the routine hardly jumping or tumbling (she had two passes) her half of the pyramid fell. She got medical attention but left five minutes later for the amusement park rides.
This also happened to be the first comp I threw my standing bhs. Hardly anyone noticed thanks to that dilemma.
To finish this wonderful story, this girl and a couple cheerleaders left in the middle of awards while some didn't bother to show...
I'm on varsity, and I know a girl on jv who consistently lies about her tumbling to the coach. She would say she has a tuck and the coach would tell her to throw her running bhs tuck in a pep rally while everyone else spirits on. She would just throw a roundoff bhs, mark a tuck, and shimmy. She also lied about having a front punch, but that one ended with her being asked to leave the team, among other reasons. The team has had to completely re-do their stunt groups and re-do most formations, which is a huggee pain mid-season.
Reading all of these post made me think "I wish a b**** would!" My gym would ruin the athlete that would dare to sabotage any team's routine! Whether it's some other team from a different gym or their own team, they will immediately be dismissed!

I think the worst sabotage I've seen ever was when someone pulled the plug and cut the lights during the MD Marlins Tsunami routine in Worlds 2011!

Gymnastics Related: When I did gymnastics, the older girls and girls that were my age would always do something immature and stupid just to mess me up. Like they wouldn't chalk the bars completely so I would slip off or rip my hands, they would use the wrong springboard eveytime I vaulted, they would put the vault as 4ft high instead of 7ft, they would "forget" to put mats under beam, and they never moved equipment off of floor... yeah they hated me! They were just jelous because I was ranked number 1 on the team, had a higher level of difficulty, and was the only one that qualified for states.
this sounds like an episode of make it or break it..
One time we had this one girl that wanted to go watch her sisters middle school competiton on the same day that we had one for high school so she had the whole team vote if they wanted to go, she was not a capitan so no idea why she wanted to do this. But we had a rough week of practice before this comp so everybody voted no, me not included. Not sure what she had told our coach but we ended up not going. Oh, and she decided to hold this vote at the game Friday night before the comp.
Oh yeah, and one time we had a girl that literally messed up every comp for us. First comp: had to sit out for bad grades, had to re-agrange the routine for it. 2nd comp- she had be drunk at a movie and gotten a drinking ticket and we were all scared the coach was gonna find out and that she couldn't compete, but the coach didn't find out, thank god, but she ended up falling in the routine. 3rd comp- refused to tumble the week before because she was "sick" at practice, got taken out for all tumbling, fell at comp. 4th comp, got kicked off team for doing drugs, had to mark all stunts she was in because we had no time to pull up JV girl. 5th comp, we had to exibition because JV girl couldnt compete on both JV and varsity, and coach didnt want her not to perform on JV cuz it was their biggest comp of the year. 6th comp, she didnt mess up cuz she was no longer on team(:
What about parents sabotaging the team. I'm not sure if it would be considered sabatoge but one year on my junior 3 team a parent decided her daughter wasn't allowed to go to a competition and didn't tell the coaches until the day before. We had to rework the routine with a girl from one of the other teams who was nice enough to learn the main parts of the routine the friday night before.
Wait the marlins thing at worlds was someone? I thought it was an accident....

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I thought so too. Because aren't the lights like backstage or something? So how did someone get at them?...
I thought so too. Because aren't the lights like backstage or something? So how did someone get at them?...

It's all a big rumor. People started saying that another team turned the lights off on purpose to mess them up, which is ridiculous.
My favorites are the kids who get trashed the night before and show up to competition too hungover to tumble...

OH, and way back when on my VERY first team, there was a girl on my team (youth 2) who was the meanest little thing EVER! She was definitely one of the best tumblers on the team. We were a new gym, and so we had 4 kids on our youth 2 who could do handsprings at the time. Well, we were in the same stunt group, except I was main and she was secondary. Thing is, SHE wanted to be the main. (Ya know, 'cause some girls have to be the MAIN EVERYTHIIIIIING) Anyways, we were at practice one day, and she kept pushing me out of my spot so she would be in the mains spot... I told the coach, and she said that the next time that she does it, to just throw myself on the floor and act like I was like... dying pretty much XD . The next time she did it, I threw myself down so hard, my elbows were bruised for a week. XD. Anyway, the coach told her to grow up, that she couldnt always be the center of attention. Silly kids....

Also, a year later, there was a girl on the youth 2 team who had level 4 skills, but she wasnt allowed on the level 4 team, so when she practiced she'd throw layouts, and the coach used to make them run laps around her until she did it right. lol.
What about parents sabotaging the team. I'm not sure if it would be considered sabatoge but one year on my junior 3 team a parent decided her daughter wasn't allowed to go to a competition and didn't tell the coaches until the day before. We had to rework the routine with a girl from one of the other teams who was nice enough to learn the main parts of the routine the friday night before.
ummmmmm...i could deffinitely add to this (but i wont), and yes parents do play a huge role, sadly our team found out the hard way :(

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