All-Star The Grammar Police...

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oh boy lol i am most def #1 on the grammar police most wanted list. i'm a horrible speller and i have horrible grammar but i came from a bad school now i'm in a catholic school so its getting better. I don't know if any of you follow Krystyna Krzeminski on twitter but she posted a pic once of the school that spelled New Jersey wrong and yeah that's the school i was in lol but if i ever do anything wrong go ahead and correct me i need it.
It's unfortunate I notice most of my mistakes after the fact... #sorrynotsosorry
There was a time when we could go back and edit our posts. I really miss that! I could fix any mistakes after I hit post.

I have a child with serious dyslexia which I am sure he at least partly inherited from me. My Mac Book changed my life but it is not fool proof. Please be kind. I know many of you must feel quite superior with your fabulous grammar and writing style but not everyone one is blessed with your natural ability, for some it is quite laborious. Have some empathy for a person whose writing takes considerable time and effort. I really try hard not to judge people and I guess that would include poor spellers. #justsayin
It's unfortunate I notice most of my mistakes after the fact... #sorrynotsosorry
There was a time when we could go back and edit our posts. I really miss that! I could fix any mistakes after I hit post.

I have a child with serious dyslexia which I am sure he at least partly inherited from me. My Mac Book changed my life but it is not fool proof. Please be kind. I know many of you must feel quite superior with your fabulous grammar and writing style but not everyone one is blessed with your natural ability, for some it is quite laborious. Have some empathy for a person whose writing takes considerable time and effort. I really try hard not to judge people and I guess that would include poor spellers. #justsayin

I don't think anyone was talking about casual discussion but more about professional documents.
Also, I think that it's possible to say "x drives me batty" without saying "wow person A is horrible and not worth my time because of X". Statement B is a judgement while statement A is a vent. Unfortunately for those who struggle with spelling and grammar, and this is a horrible speller talking, professionally people are judged by their language abilities by many.
cheercurl I actually overlook most mistakes made on here. It's like dawgshow said, the professional documents are the ones that I get all judge-y and critical about. JulieP started this thread bc (<--- see that unprofessional abbreviation of because ;) ) she doesn't want to leave her new baby with someone that can't even type a nicely worded, correctly spelled paragraph. I don't blame her and I wouldn't blame anyone for feeling the same way about my cheer program.
Their is know place for bad grammar, malapropism, and spelling errors in any business. The people that right there ads and emails should at least try too make these corrections so I don't think their buffoons.

How many errors did you just catch?
I'm a Grammar Nazi. Due to my OCD, I sometimes even take my friends' essays when they ask me to read them and give them feedback, and I'll just take a pen and correct every little error. I can't stand seeing someone write, "You're flexability is insane. Those ab's are amazing. Your so feirce."

:eek: For real? *Your* *flexibility* *abs* *You're* *fierce*

See what the Internet is doing to us?
I hate when company websites have mistakes like that. It's such a turn off. When doing research projects for school, sometimes I find websites with errors like that and it makes me question their creditabilty. The occasionally error is okay, but if you use the wrong form of there too many times then the deal is done. I'm a there nazi. Lol. If I had a penny for everyone a teacher taught us the forms of there in high school then I'd be a millionaire. I just don't understand what's so hard to learn about it!