Exactly, just because you have a couple of athletes that can throw Level 5 skills, doesn't mean that you have a Level 5 team. Additionally what good does it do the true Level 5 athletes with staying with the gym that doesn't offer their skill level or a chance to go to Worlds, I understand loyalty and being happy where you are, but shouldn't you strive to be your best and take every opportunity to achieve your goals. Maybe those true Level 5 athletes that are at a gym that doesn't offer a level 5 team, just don't know what is out there for them. I don't have a child that is at that Level yet, but I want to give her every opportunity to be the best she can be and since she is older, we switched gyms to give her the opportunity that if her skills reach level 5 to be on a Worlds team and not to have to wait until the gym gets to that level. I guess it's just what you think is best for your child.