I'm getting pretty tired of this, "allstar is better than high school cheer" rhetoric...It's just plain ignorant to believe an allstar cheerleading coach is more qualified than a high school coach by default.
It may be foolish to base my opinion on my own experience, but my high school and first allstar coach were night and day, in terms of qualification. My high school coach, had years of experience in high school, allstar and college cheer (she cheered at Louisville) and was a(n)? USASF certified judge. The owner of my first allstar gym, on the other hand, taught himself to tumble and cheered for the one year he was in college...
The mentality of my allstar gym was, "You just got your punch front through to full on the rod floor?! Now you're going to do it in the routine four counts after your two full! Wait, let's make that a one to full!" In contrast, my high school coach wouldn't let you throw your standing tuck until she saw you do it twenty times, landing with your chest up at the end of a full out routine. Might I add, this allstar gym (that I left after two season) is still open and doing very well (in terms of business, maybe not injuries ;)).
It's very possible my high school was in the minority, but I think it's time we eliminate the stereotype of high school cheer practice taking place in the low-ceiling cafeteria, on an old wrestling mat being coached by some Geometry teacher who has never cheered and just saw "Bring It On" for the first time this weekend and wants to try a Wolf Wall!
The top high school teams in Georgia are cleaner than 95% of the level 5 allstar teams out there, anyways...IMO