I'm over every team and their mother getting a bid to worlds. I understand "it may just be their goal to get there". You don't need to be Orange or Senior Black to get there, but you also shouldn't be 200 points behind them after day 1 when you hit perfect and the "big dog" made major mistakes. To get an at large bid you should have to achieve at least 80% of the possible points on the scoresheet, 85% for a partial, 90% for a paid. or something like that. I'm tired of wasting my time watching 8 hours of small senior/small limited teams when only about 2 hours worth of those teams are worth the $50 to get in. If it's your goal to get there, get good enough to get there.
I'm tired of small gyms thinking they're entitled to points since they don't have as large of an athlete pool as a large gym. Like they should get more credit because they only have 10/20/30 level 5 athletes in their entire gym. Most of the large gyms haven't been at this for years, they've been at it for decades. Stop crying and call me in 10 years if you still don't have a prestigious title. They didn't beat you because of the uniform they're wearing, they beat you because they were at practice when you were on the fierceboard/facebook complaining.