I think I can speak for a lot of the people who responded when I say we didn't criticize your opinion because you don't like tick tocks, we did it because you said "they took the easy way out" and they "lack creativity". Things like that definitely strike a nerve with a fan, and your certainly not the first one that has said remarks along that line. You all may be tired of the "Teal Army" attacking anyone who criticizes SE, but I'm tired of people being flat out rude with nothing to back it up with. If you have valid points, I'm always one to respect and honor them, but don't point fingers unless your hands are clean. Maybe the rest of the cheerleading world should stop complaining and waiting for SE to do something new, so they can just copy that too (and I use the term "copy" loosely, since they're usually dulling it down), and perhaps they should be creative for once and come up with their own thing. Maybe we should all start only being able to throw things that our gym comes up with. Maybe that will show all the "non-teal army" just how dull our sport would be if it wasn't for innovators like charlotte, and cea, and top gun, and cali, and cheer athletics. Nobody "attacked" you. We just gave our opinion on your opinion. Personally, I don't ever recall saying that you were wrong for not liking stretch tick tocks. But I just hope your team is doing something they came up with on their own if you are going to talk about trendsetting teams with a lack of creativity.