All-Star This Is What You've Been Waiting For... Senior Elite's New Music!

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Personally, I love their new mix & think it fits them much better than their first one because I feel like it is Senior Elite. :) And overall, I just love their newly done routine & I can't wait to see them perform with this new mix at the Majors this weekend.
I can understand KJ, other alums and their parents getting a little misty eyed. This mix has married the past with the future. If I was one of the girls that helped get this team to where it is today, I'd probably feel the exact same way.

I don't understand random fans getting emotional, but that's just me ;)
It's funny, because lots of the people who say 'I don't get why xyz is CRYING over this mix', probably cried over WCSS's mix when it came out. There. I said it. Not that YOU'RE one of those people, but I finally found the guts to post that, cause I've been thinking it for the past 10 minutes while reading this thread lol.

I tear up during mixes. Every time the 'Foorr Meeeeee' part comes up in ACE Warriors '10-'11 mix, I tear up (usually I'm on the subway so it's very awkward lol), because I just feel that emotional release from remembering what it's like to hit an awesome routine and believe in your soul you just won the competition of a LIFETIME. I tear up during 'If My Heart Had Wings' (yes, I tear up during a WCSS mix sometimes. Sue me :P)..because it's a gorgeous song and GREAT for a pyramid, and you just feel them getting uplifted through it.

For many of us fans, this song represents a journey. Even if you're not going through the same journey as someone else, why can't this mix touch you as well? I'm a person who very much responds to music, which is why when I have auditions, I listen to stuff that connects my emotions to the piece I'm performing. Haven't you ever been upset, and found the song that just fits PERFECTLY with what you're feeling and bawled your eyes out? This mix touches some part of my soul, and gives me strength and hope. Isn't that what GOOD MUSIC should do? Connect to our emotions and make us feel something? Love? Anger? Hatred? Beauty? Sadness? Joy? Laughter? Cheer music is usually designed the way it is to pump us up. So maybe instead of making me want to bust through walls like ACE's mix does, this gives me a quiet strength to overcome the challenges I'm facing..I don't see why that's so farfetched?
It's funny, because lots of the people who say 'I don't get why xyz is CRYING over this mix', probably cried over WCSS's mix when it came out. There. I said it. Not that YOU'RE one of those people, but I finally found the guts to post that, cause I've been thinking it for the past 10 minutes while reading this thread lol. found me out :p Haha...seriously though, I don't care that they are crying, I just don't understand it cause it's not something I would do. I get the connection fans have to their teams, and the passion that probably leads them.

I will absolutely agree with you that most of the people on this thread (and on this board) that attack others fandom are just as nutty about their (rival) team. I don't understand that either, but that's a horse of a different color.

On topic...I do like this mix. I think it's much better than the previous one. I love the throwback feel in the beginning and the marriage of past and present. The Gloria Estefan song for pyramid is one of my all time favorites (and if anyone saw her perform that for the first time, I guarantee they got emotional) but not sure I like it better than the original pyramid. I'm excited to see this mix with the new routine. This mix brings them back to themselves. I felt the previous mix wasn't who they were.
I'm opening up a sweet tea stand with free samples to beautyy4cheerr and WorkToWin but you both have to drink out of the same glass. (group hug)

And for the first 100 customers I am offering my incredibly realistic Celine Dion impersonations. People say I sound just like her!
I'm opening up a sweet tea stand with free samples to beautyy4cheerr and WorkToWin but you both have to drink out of the same glass. (group hug)

And for the first 100 customers I am offering my incredibly realistic Celine Dion impersonations. People say I sound just like her!
That would be amazing, no joke.
I hope you are lying about your age, because if you actually are in college and aren't 14 like I think you are then I feel very sorry for you. Learn how to speak to other people in a mature way. It is okay for you to disagree with someone, but to be saying the things that you are is completely ridiculous. My advice to you is to stay away from the boards for awhile and focus on your schoolwork. Maybe take a communications class.

ACTUALLY i don't see any indication of how i acted "like i was 14, or 12, or __insert rude, condescending age here__". i joke, i kid sometimes. LAST TIME I CHECKED, this was the Fierceboard and not Sociology 1000C.

i'm 19. if i wanna say "realsies" to lighten the mood, i can if i darn well want to. lol i'm 19, not 45. you have to know when to be serious and when to joke. i didn't know CEA's mix was a serious matter on a board where the words "wham, fierce, and werk" are popular words. so cut it out lol and be real.

i don't disrespect anyone until they disrespect me. everyone is looking for any of excuse to find a bad guy when really you're alll just mad because i disagreed with your OPINION.

and everyone who keeps ATTEMPTING to insult me is so WAY OFF the mark it. is. comical.

ACTUALLY, like i said earlier i am a full time student so i don't have time to be on the boards allll the time, i'm on winter break now and it's boring which is the only reason why i have the time to be on it now. i've been on hiatus from the boards for months and before that a year because because of work and cheer, so don't you worry about me peaches lmao.

and lastly, i am a Public Relations major and actually HAVE taken a Communications class so you're last sentence is irrelevant, makes no sense, does not apply to my life, and quite frankly was a MAJOR FAIL.

soooo... TRY. AGAIN.

I'm opening up a sweet tea stand with free samples to beautyy4cheerr and WorkToWin but you both have to drink out of the same glass. (group hug)

And for the first 100 customers I am offering my incredibly realistic Celine Dion impersonations. People say I sound just like her!

lol SharkDad i would, i'm serious but I don't she likes me very much D':

and you see now if I would've said that, even though i'm not a middle-aged cheer mom who participates on a cheerleading forum that is mostly kids, I would be called "immature", etc. wah wahhh wahhhhh

lmao at the hypocrisy.

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