All-Star Too Many Boys On The Floor

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By signing that packet regarding the 12 boys allowed....they gave their consent to follow that rule. I don't care when it was has now been caught and should be remedied. And that is a GOOD question about the rules violations as far as performance issues (the three illegal elements that have been discussed). I know several of the rules people that were at Worlds, and I CANNOT imagine any of them looking away at something like this. This is an issue that should be brought up to the USASF/IASF and should not be dropped until resolved.
Well, obviously you SHOULD (in theory, because what should be done isn't always) enforce them. But the fact that it's taking a message board of people to point it out/ask questions and NOT the USASF or whatever (since people were saying they noticed it before), what does THAT say?

it says that all this effort with ICU, College Stunt, the Cheerleading Worlds means nothing cause we will never be taken seriously if every country isnt on the same playing field. I mean we are already breaking our backs for them by creating a score sheet for the international teams to succeed with.
ugh I just typed a big long post and it didn't go through...

Anyway we can't be sure what deductions they got because for some reason the USASF released all the scores with breakdowns except for this division, shady sounding right?

I can't believe that people see nothing wrong with this. They were at worlds in 2009 and had the right number of boys. Why did the USASF call legalities in 2009 and not in 2011? I honestly think it has something to do with the fact there was a push for Bangkok to beat a US team. Is that fair? Heck no it isn't. How is letting them keep their globe fair to Gym Tyme and the other teams that followed the rules and got their scores the right way? I understand they were a crowd favorite but that doesn't give them an pass to break rules.

I have read twitters of people saying how Gym Tyme shouldn't even have scored close enough to Bangkok, clearly those people don't know the level 6 rules. Just because something "looks cool" doesn't mean it is legal and should score higher then a pyramid that is legal.

All of those people who argue that cheer is a sport and needs respect, but also do not see anything wrong with this need to think a little bit about how they see that this is something someone should respect. I can bet that if this were a US team there would be a witch hunt of people wanting to take the globe away. People jump on US teams that break legality rules, but these aren't that big of a deal? Bangkok was amazing but let them win it LEGALLY.
ugh I just typed a big long post and it didn't go through...

Anyway we can't be sure what deductions they got because for some reason the USASF released all the scores with breakdowns except for this division, shady sounding right?

I can't believe that people see nothing wrong with this. They were at worlds in 2009 and had the right number of boys. Why did the USASF call legalities in 2009 and not in 2011? I honestly think it has something to do with the fact there was a push for Bangkok to beat a US team. Is that fair? Heck no it isn't. How is letting them keep their globe fair to Gym Tyme and the other teams that followed the rules and got their scores the right way? I understand they were a crowd favorite but that doesn't give them an pass to break rules.

I have read twitters of people saying how Gym Tyme shouldn't even have scored close enough to Bangkok, clearly those people don't know the level 6 rules. Just because something "looks cool" doesn't mean it is legal and should score higher then a pyramid that is legal.

All of those people who argue that cheer is a sport and needs respect, but also do not see anything wrong with this need to think a little bit about how they see that this is something someone should respect. I can bet that if this were a US team there would be a witch hunt of people wanting to take the globe away. People jump on US teams that break legality rules, but these aren't that big of a deal? Bangkok was amazing but let them win it LEGALLY.

Bangkok had the best pyramids in the division and was in range for baskets. They were not great stunters, mediocre tumblers (was there a giant synched group to max) and their motions and dance was good but not great.

It makes no sense they scored so high. The worst part is something like this can make people really dislike bangkok. What happens in 2012 when they do the same thing?
It doesn't make me not like Bangkok...but it does make me angry that they apparently get favored, and that is just wrong. It makes me wonder how USASF/IASF expects this to be looked upon in a positive light when this type of thing happens, is recognized but yet, is not remedied. So I hope something is done to address this BIG....HUGE issue.
@ztaprincess I agree and as you pointed out.. it's up to USASF to call legalities. Even though Bangkok signed the papers it's up to USASF to hold them accountable. Just as it is up to them to release the breakdown of the scores. If the fact that they were a crowd favorite is what made them win then once again... USASF's fault for being too ehh.. "weak" for lack of better term and judging according to the crowd favorite.

@cheerinfo Yes it is their fault for breaking the rules but it's USASFs fault for not calling them on it!

Blame USASF. Yes, it is unfair and yes rules were broken. So it's up to those who screwed up and are in charge to carry out the consequences. When there's a rambunctious kid who usually gets blamed? The parents. Why? They were the ones who were supposed to teach them discipline and enforce rules. When criminals get let off who/what gets blamed? The justice system. Why? It's their responsibility to make sure the proper procedures are thoroughly carried out to do what's right or wrong. Point of these analogies: Look to the authority......
I just think the blame is being all put on the USASF but you can't let Bangkok walk away without any blame because they signed their names on the dotted line agreeing to follow the rules, if they did not understand and still signed that is their fault because they followed the rules before. the USASF is to blame but so is Bangkok because they broke the rules.
I went on the USASF website with intentions of emailing someone, but people that I feel should receive the email dont have their email address posted. Its Wednesday, and still I haven't seen any sort of statement released on their website regarding this situation. USASF needs to STEP UP and do something, if one team can break the rules, WE ALL CAN. Double competing=now permitted, age ineligibility=out the window, 24 girls in small senior=lets do get the point.

Does anyone have any sort of contact information. I suggest it is posted so that USASF is flooded with emails and realize how incompetent of organization they appear at this moment. (never before have I felt they are incompetent, but if nothing is done, incompetency is how I will think of the organization)
it appears that it is [email protected]
[email protected] is listed.
so i assume...
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Also for Les
[email protected]

and the contact page

Also try to contact members of the national advisory board

And if you really want to make your voice heard, then try to contact every single email address you have for someone at USASF. go through the worlds packet, there are some in there. Go to the schedule page, there is one there. Then there are email addresses for the rep for EVERY state. If you send them all a message and ask them to forward it, i'm sure they will.

Handle it like you would if you needed to write a letter to congress.

ALSO. Before you send them an email. I would go through a video (it can be the one on the site) and tell them specific instances of what is wrong. Like for example.. at 1:12 in their routine, there is a pyramid with no spotter in the front. at 1:15 there is a dismount with 1 catcher.
Just a random thought... I'm pretty sure the reason Bangkok wasn't at ICU or Worlds last year had to do with those Volcano eruptions and not being able to leave their country and NOT b/c of anything else last year...
Also one more random thought... GT Nfinity earned their bid at WSF - Indy Showdown in December of last year where we competed with the allowed 12 boys and 12 girls. What everyone saw in ATL at Cheersport was STRICTLY an exhibition and we did NOT compete there.
Also one more random thought... GT Nfinity earned their bid at WSF - Indy Showdown in December of last year where we competed with the allowed 12 boys and 12 girls. What everyone saw in ATL at Cheersport was STRICTLY an exhibition and we did NOT compete there.

You were not illegal winning a bid with more than 12 boys if you had.
Just a random thought... I'm pretty sure the reason Bangkok wasn't at ICU or Worlds last year had to do with those Volcano eruptions and not being able to leave their country and NOT b/c of anything else last year...

Do they fly that way or through the US? Seems like a smarter flight is from Thailand to LA instead of Europe. Cross less countries.
If nothing is said about this by the USASF and Thailand is allowed to slide past the rules this year whose saying that any other country or team can't next year. Then the argument will be well one team did it and won the globe, so we should be able to as well. Rules are rules and put in place for a reason. It makes things fair and safe. Don't get me wrong, I loved the Thailand team and stood there with everyone else in the milkhouse and cheered as loud as I could for them, but I don't think its fair for any team to break any rules, especially not the numerous that were found. They should be treated the same as any team from the USA, Canada or anywhere else for that matter. If an american team had put that exact routine on the floor that they did I doubt you would have seen them walk away with first, or any globe for that matter.

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