ugh I just typed a big long post and it didn't go through...
Anyway we can't be sure what deductions they got because for some reason the USASF released all the scores with breakdowns except for this division, shady sounding right?
I can't believe that people see nothing wrong with this. They were at worlds in 2009 and had the right number of boys. Why did the USASF call legalities in 2009 and not in 2011? I honestly think it has something to do with the fact there was a push for Bangkok to beat a US team. Is that fair? Heck no it isn't. How is letting them keep their globe fair to Gym Tyme and the other teams that followed the rules and got their scores the right way? I understand they were a crowd favorite but that doesn't give them an pass to break rules.
I have read twitters of people saying how Gym Tyme shouldn't even have scored close enough to Bangkok, clearly those people don't know the level 6 rules. Just because something "looks cool" doesn't mean it is legal and should score higher then a pyramid that is legal.
All of those people who argue that cheer is a sport and needs respect, but also do not see anything wrong with this need to think a little bit about how they see that this is something someone should respect. I can bet that if this were a US team there would be a witch hunt of people wanting to take the globe away. People jump on US teams that break legality rules, but these aren't that big of a deal? Bangkok was amazing but let them win it LEGALLY.