All-Star Too Many Boys On The Floor

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Where did you get that from? Because I'm not posting repeatedly here about it in the last 24 hours? My "mistake" post was meant to be humorous, but do not ever think I don't want the rules enforced. You don't know what I have done via emails or fb messages or anything else.

The problem is I can barely get any responses back from anyone about anything right now because almost all of the USASF staff is traveling, etc.

And I've been busy trying to help clients with tornado hardship withdrawals and getting things organized in Birmingham and then I flew to Dallas this morning.

It's not going to accidently become legal in a week if they don't get disqualified today.

I apologize. I work very hard to be legal and meet the scoresheet requirements. I was misled about what the scoresheets wanted, so I am a bit frustrated on that. On top of it, if I have to lose I want to lose to a team that followed the rules and is better. Not just a favorite.
Here's "no more than twelve" in Thai: ไม่เกินสิบสอง

Here's "limitless" in Thai: ไร้พรมแดน

I think we can see where the mistake was made.

This is the funniest "ish" I have read in a long time..LMAO
I don't see any grammatical errors in my post lol.. No need.

I am fully aware of that...was simply not sure what happened in the event of a tie, especially one as controversial as this; the teams have not recieved their prizes yet.
you said "do bangkok get a globe" it should have been "does bangkok get a globe"

And the USASF announced them as winning the gold along with someone else. IF there is a tie, then both teams should get the prizes. I don't think they would say, oh you get the banner and you get the globe. Then after you win, you go to get sized for your rings.

So I am assuming bangkok probably took the globe and banner home with them and the rings will be sent. GymTyme would probably have their banner and globe sent to the gym since it would be easier to do it that way.
@ACEDAD , I want to say that your program had an amazing weekend and you were missed! I think that your name is brought up currently bc you tend to get the "right" responses from the "right" people in a more timely fashion than others. I don't think anyone (at least not me) meant any negativity towards you, everyone is confused and wants and answer and I think you should take it as a compliment that MULTIPLE people on this board feel the need to turn to you in a time such as this. I also know that you are a HUGE supporter of the USASF, I feel that the USASF messed up and I want to know what they are going to do about it, so I turn to you. Let me also add that I will be in Bham this weekend for a graduation and to volunteer/help wherever I can, my prayers are with you, your family and your community.
Even though I'm sad to say it, rules are rules. Bangkok had a great routine and you can tell they worked hard, but they should be confronted with this situation. Now I don't know the rulebook right from memory, but I did question a lot of things they did. There were a lot of things that I looked at and wondered "how is that legal it's so dangerous!" but blew it off since my mind was just blown away. I'm also one of those people who think that they let them tie with GymTyme to make things easier. I believe that Bangkok should be confronted about this very soon because I want them to win because they were the better team that followed all of the rules.
I agree that USASF dropped the ball BUT Bangkok KNEW the rules and KNEW that they had too many people on the floor. YES USASF is at fault BUT so is Bangkok. They should be stripped of their title and TEXAS should be awarded the Bronze Globe (which I just found out that they were not)
We do not KNOW they knew they were doing something wrong. Coaches slip up all of the time when it comes to rules, especially level 6. Yes they signed a packet but like someone mentioned earlier, their could be language barriers, translation issues and when they are competing at both ICU and USASF, it could have been confusion and a honest mistake. Don't be so quick to judge the situation, God knows we've all messed up a time or two. If you were competing and won first, and then stripped of your title after it was over due to a rule violation you misunderstood , or honestly didn't know about, you would be extremely upset that it wasn't caught prior to awards or at least warned . I'm not thinking about the coach, I'm thinking about the kids who probably had NO clue they were in the wrong and were just thrilled to be there.
We do not KNOW they knew they were doing something wrong. Coaches slip up all of the time when it comes to rules, especially level 6. Yes they signed a packet but like someone mentioned earlier, their could be language barriers, translation issues and when they are competing at both ICU and USASF, it could have been confusion and a honest mistake. Don't be so quick to judge the situation, God knows we've all messed up a time or two. If you were competing and won first, and then stripped of your title after it was over due to a rule violation you misunderstood , or honestly didn't know about, you would be extremely upset that it wasn't caught prior to awards or at least warned . I'm not thinking about the coach, I'm thinking about the kids who probably had NO clue they were in the wrong and were just thrilled to be there.
I don't think they should strip them of everything. Let them keep what they already have. Let them say they won, because honestly it doesn't really effect us. BUT, make a statement about it AND make it clear that this won't be allowed.
I don't think they should strip them of everything. Let them keep what they already have. Let them say they won, because honestly it doesn't really effect us. BUT, make a statement about it AND make it clear that this won't be allowed.
Exactly. As long as they clarify the situation , and show that the rule will be enforced by giving Texas cheer bronze. I'm happy. I just want the Athletes affected bY this (texas cheer) to get their fairness.
Here is a link from youtube from a performance bangkok did in late 2010 very similar to what they did at Worlds this past weekend and from the looks of this video they're doing everything with 12 boys. Impressive? YES! as impressive as worlds? in my opinion no... Also based on the USASF rule this routine with these pyramids and actually only having 12 boys is even more illegal that what they did at Worlds...
you need 3 catchers if you're flipping off a 2.5 high pyramid...

You need 3 catchers period. The wording of all the safety rules does not change intent in level 6. I have had to deal with this annoyance many times.
You need 3 catchers period. The wording of all the safety rules does not change intent in level 6. I have had to deal with this annoyance many times.

Just for a cradle? What about a 2-2-1 that comes down to a toe pitch?
Just for a cradle? What about a 2-2-1 that comes down to a toe pitch?

That's not a cradle?

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I still cannot believe people are defending this! If a US team broke a rule and it got overlooked, there would be UPROAR. I am sorry, in addition to having too many boys, they broke USASF rules as far as spotters, dismounts, AND assisted tumbling. Do NOT tell me all of these things can be excused due to a language barrier. Plenty of other countries compete LEGALLY at Worlds. Just because Bangkok has become a crowd favorite does NOT exempt them from following the same rules ALL the countries have to follow. They broke MANY rules, not just the amount of boys guideline. I cannot understand being lenient on this type of blatant disregard. They should be stripped of their title. They performed with more boys, which gave them an advantage in stunts and pyramids (and tumbling too since the boys were the most elite tumblers), they performed out of level skills that are illegal. The additional boys should be a DQ, and the illegalities would have penalized them so many points that there is NO way they would have won ANY globe. So allowing them to keep their title negates the entire point of having rules and guidelines. A slap on the wrist and a "ok, just don't do it again" is NO ENOUGH. Again...let me stress that this is not about me not LOVING Bangkok. I was there watching. I think they are amazing. What they do is incredible and takes strength, training, talent, etc. was illegal! From the extra boys to the illegal skills. It was illegal. And all those other teams that played by the rules, even the NON-English speaking countries, did not get the same treatment. I say action on this should be swift and appropriate. I cannot understand wanting it handled any other way.
I still cannot believe people are defending this! If a US team broke a rule and it got overlooked, there would be UPROAR. I am sorry, in addition to having too many boys, they broke USASF rules as far as spotters, dismounts, AND assisted tumbling. Do NOT tell me all of these things can be excused due to a language barrier. Plenty of other countries compete LEGALLY at Worlds. Just because Bangkok has become a crowd favorite does NOT exempt them from following the same rules ALL the countries have to follow. They broke MANY rules, not just the amount of boys guideline. I cannot understand being lenient on this type of blatant disregard. They should be stripped of their title. They performed with more boys, which gave them an advantage in stunts and pyramids (and tumbling too since the boys were the most elite tumblers), they performed out of level skills that are illegal. The additional boys should be a DQ, and the illegalities would have penalized them so many points that there is NO way they would have won ANY globe. So allowing them to keep their title negates the entire point of having rules and guidelines. A slap on the wrist and a "ok, just don't do it again" is NO ENOUGH. Again...let me stress that this is not about me not LOVING Bangkok. I was there watching. I think they are amazing. What they do is incredible and takes strength, training, talent, etc. was illegal! From the extra boys to the illegal skills. It was illegal. And all those other teams that played by the rules, even the NON-English speaking countries, did not get the same treatment. I say action on this should be swift and appropriate. I cannot understand wanting it handled any other way.
I'm wondering if. Legalitys were called. 2.5 caught by one person and spotted tumbling... those are obvious safety deductions.

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