As a temporary measure until they can leave the mouse house, what if they put some effort into the Josten's backdrop and made that the premier location. The milkhouse can accomodate the divisions with a smaller fan base. Create a loungey area in between the two where everyone sits to watch the screen, or on the baseball field... throw out a couple of bean bags and beach balls, have mini competitions throughout the day giving out free stuff - gym tees and lanyards and gift certs to pro shops or whatever. Have a trading corner to meet up in to trade tees and pins. Make it a fun space for athletes that didn't make it through to finals or even semis to relax and enjoy worlds if they don't want to sit in the remnants of someone's chicken tender fries and spilled coke for several hours. Enough of an adult/security presence to make kids aware that drinking and other forms of misconduct aren't welcome but not as strict as within the venues where you're constantly being told to sit down, move along, you can't sit here. It's the last comp of the season and a mini vacation for many, put in some effort for the best athletes around the world that are making Varsity millions of dollars.