You are assuming that parents don't have other responsibilities that kept them from getting to the arena early. You have a lot of parents that had to get up and help girls get dressed, hair, make-up etc. Then you have parents that have more then one child competiting on different teams in both arenas. Yes on my CP's team there are at least 3 parents that had CPs competing in HP & Jostens! So they should suffer and not see thier CPs because they are trying to support both kids?
The fact is PARENTS should have priority! We as parents pay a lot of money for our kids to cheer...unrelated spectators pay???? For ONE TRIP! Let's not forget, if we didn't pay tuition for our kids to cheer there would be NO WORLDS! Whether thousands of spectators show up or one....The parents are there to support thier CPs all year round, not just for Worlds! Now if spectators would like to start making donations to the CPs to cheer, then I would take your complaints about parents not getting preference more seriously!
Unfortunately, Disney is probably the best option. It's a travelers hub, meaning it's inexpensive for parents/family members to come and support thier CPs inexpensively after paying so much money for thier kids to cheer and there is so much for families to do that do not want to sit in an arena all day and watch cheering. IMO...Vegas is not an option! They may have a lot of family options, but I really don't think it's as kid friendly as Disney.