We do the all-inclusive price, and nearly all of the parents MUCH prefer it. Just be sure to explain that it includes everything. It is helpful to list out the total cost for the year and compare it to those of gyms where you pay separately. Once parents understand that it SEEMS higher at first, but is actually not if you do the math. In the long run, it is just more convenient for the customer.
Downside for gym owners - the expenses (entry fees, etc.) are NOT evenly spread out throughout the year on the gym owner side. You can run into cash-flow issues if you are not careful. (If entry fees are spread out through April tuition, but you have to pay all of them by January - you are basically "fronting" the money hoping to get that back later.)
In response to that, we had to change our system to where it front-loads a little bit. We added $80/month to the first 4 months and took $80/month off of the last 4 months. It makes it slightly more confusing, unfortunately. However, without doing that, we would be paying tens of thousands in entry fees before we had collected that money.