Here is my honest take and it does not matter what team, competition company, music business, etc it is. If you live by the boards, you die by the boards. Meaning if you can use the boards to promote your product, team, program and tell everyone to look at us, vote for us, buy from us, support us, etc. you cant get but so upset if someone puts stuff about you on the boards that you dont want seen, known or revealed. Especially in these times we are living in where it seems like everyone wants to be the first outsider to know and wants to be the person who broke the news.
Also that it should not matter of it is one of the big name mega superstar can't lose teams or the little program trying to build itself up. The same standard should apply. Sure no one may not want to see the local little program but their local competitors but IMHO the same standard should be applied. Wait till competition when it is on the floor for real and then have at it. But then again I am incredibly naive:)