I suppose that is a matter of perception. I see it as a collective-action problem. No one wants athletes burning out and participation to decline, but you have to withstand a potentially huge negative impact to your business/employees to do what has been suggested.
"Greed" is a pretty loaded term, but I could see it theoretically appling to every part of the equation: athletes/parents, gyms, and event producers. Not every parent/athlete will jump at the latest program to win the most titles at Event X, but enough of them will that you simply have to take that into account as a gym owner. The gym owners generally want their athletes happy, safe, and having fun, but not many can simply shut down their programs for months or even weeks at a time and still keep their doors open and their employees paid. Event producers, facing rising costs, can't simply turn down the opportunity to get more teams to their events. We are all open to suggestions, but we need to be aware of the political and practical realities also.