I appreciate your willingness to throw out the stupid/offensive. If I hear one more person say that we are in it for the money...
I don't think everyone at Varsity or the USASF are in it for the money. There are plenty of other external benefits in cheerleading, which is why lots of us still do it though there may not be a lot of monetary benefit for what we do.
However, if you keep rattlesnakes in the house you can't be surprised if you get bitten. A business running cheerleading is going to make business decisions. They have to make decisions that affect their bottom line.
Hypothetically: If something came up that would benefit all the gyms tremendously but would have to fire Justin Carrier do I think you personally would make that decision for the betterment of cheer? No, nor do I think you should have to make those type of decisions. It isn't fair to you to have to make decision that really hurts yourself but helps others. And I feel the same way about a business having to make decisions.
Varsity is in a tough spot because they have to look at their own interests (which I see nothing wrong with) and can really only act and put forth when business interests align with with the gyms interests and there is synergy. True non-profit doesn't have to make money more than operating costs. It is a liberating thing when you can make a choice where you know that choice would produce less for you in the end.
Business is not bad and making money is not bad. If a competition or uniform company didn't make profits from their efforts they wouldn't do it. I in no way shape or form see Varsity or what they do as evil or bad because it is exactly how I would expect any business to act.
The thing is I don't see things changing unless one of two things happen:
1. The grand majority of the gyms / athletes band together and boycott and demand change. But as much as I love allstar its peanuts compared to the high school business. The HS clientele is so segmented that the most common connection all those high schools have across the country is honestly social media (Fierce Board). So highly unlikely. It also would be the messiest way. Because it would be years and years of push and give push and give. Each time we have had something put a fire under peoples butts a small reconciliation is made and things go back to as is.
2. Someone does an antitrust lawsuit against Varsity. This is probably the only thing that will actually split up the segments and allow them to run independently. In the end this would actually be the best for everyone (as painful as it might seem). It would increase competition in each segment and allow the entire sport of cheer to grow.
So, I think a lot of our feelings and inclinations are correct, but any gesture done by these companies with offerings or anything is just moot.