Kingston; this is posted in both places to move that conversation to this thread, I'm still discovering leveraging the technology you have created, by the way you may not be richer ($) asa direct result of creating the FierceBoard, but the opportunity to explore various topics is very rich, ... Thank YOU!
I didn't say there was anything wrong with the sale especially when within Limited Partnerships such as "Leonard Green and Partners LP" are in the business of buying and selling investments which occurs all the time in unpredictable time frames. Each partnership develops a "Target Model" for their specific purchases with expected rates of return, businesses sectors they will consider, methods of adding value after acquisition, methods of dividing a company into component parts to be sold separately for greater value than the original investment, or other investment criteria and in the best ones when they will sell the investment based upon other criteria.
Buying &/or Selling is NOT unusual, my question is … “Why are they selling VBI?” Again, provided the RR Donnelley posting is accurate which leads to the second question, “How will this impact the current Cheer Industry?” Maybe after some of the above responses the question for many is “Do you believe it will have any effect?”
My experience, professionally and personally, has been change occurs during both purchases and sales the question will be for related groups to determine if the change is positive or negative for their business. Once again, I have experienced both, some things were better … others were not.Whether it is bad or good for the Cheer Industry will depend upon your particular point of view, I am asking
1. “What impact this type of announcement may have on the industry?”
2. “Why aren’t more people aware of the notice?”
Generally, this type of ownership change would generate volumes of heated conversations about the potential positive & negative impacts!
Ignore my math, do your own, but focus on the question!
"Why do so few people know about this?”
–Or the Corollary Question-
“Who does know about the RR Donnelley announcement?"
Follow that with, “What will change as a result of the sale of VBI?”
In 2003, VBI was taken Private for $130 million with a current price listing of @$360 million that is a gain of $230 million in 8 years assuming it sells in 2011 for $360 million. Let's face the fact that VBI is the 800-pound gorilla when we discuss Cheer and Cheer related activities. The Independents have successfully created business within Cheer sponsored Training and Competitions, and the front edge of producing quality uniforms in ever increasing numbers, but VBI had revenues in the area of @$1 billion last year. So what happens next?