I have a completely non-American Psychiatric Association-recognized (IT'S REAL, APA, IT'S NOT LIES!!) phobia called 'trypophobia'. It's a fear of things with excessive holes, typically close set. Things like lotus pods upset me so badly-it's like somebody is drilling holes in my finger nails and...ughhh. No. It's not everything- it's very specific. The problem is that if you google the word 'trypophobia', all the pictures that come up are images that upset me. It's like trying to google arachnophobia and showing you a massive photo of a hairy gross spider. I will legit cover my screen with my hand when those images pop up. It's horrible.
Eh. I'm not sure. I'd like to think that respect for animal life, particularly endangered species, isn't a 'waste' in the sense that those who typically care are also involved in human causes as well. They're probably MORE invested than those who strictly favor human causes, I'd wager. This is also a problem that I think can be solved without my tax dollars (via pushing for banning of ALL non-INCU-conservationist meddling in endangered species. Aka Joe Schmoe isn't flying in from Dubai with a rifle, paying overboard to shoot endangered species for the 'thrill' and calling himself a wildlife expert).