since i made a comment about her $ spent, i'll bite.
i don't have a problem with anyone hunting for food. i, myself, have an ultimate goal of living off the land and am making significant progress with a large garden and other resources. i get it. while i don't want to hunt, i have no issues with its original, intended purposes.
she isn't killing to eat, nor is she killing out of self defense. she is killing beautiful, majestic creatures. creatures that her future kids probably will only ever read about in textbooks because she's killing off some of the very few we have left. and she isn't even killing them fairly, in the wild. she's inside of a game "farm" where the animals are fenced in with no where to go. that doesn't require skill. there was a quote i read from her somewhere about how she was killing off the weak links, and survival of the fittest, and she's basically improving the population, blah, blah, blah. no. survival of the fittest was thrown out the window when you confined all of the animals inside four walls.
i commented on spending that money on actually providing resources or viable livestock for the villagers, because she is trying to write off her killings as doing a favor to the locals and feeding the hungry. if they were starving and wanted to kill the elephants/cheetahs/lions/rhinos inside of the fenced in farm to eat, they would have already. they don't need her to do that for them. i don't care how anyone spends their money. but be honest about it. just say, "hey, i love killing endangered animals for fun." don't make up some BS about how you're saving the world so you can sleep better at night.