5-6-7-8.....Being a math 'purist' I love the logic and outcomes of the trending method. My concern comes in with implementing something so complex right out the door. Could we sell this to USASF? It involves a lot of change. Maybe it could be approached in phases over a 2-3 year period.
- Implement the ID cards.
- Athletes can compete ONE level up or down. This allows small gyms to compete any athlete on any of three levels (down 1, true, up 1).
- Coaches/athletes work together to determine level to register the athlete.
- 2/3 (3/4?) of the team competing at any competition must be at true to declared level.
- Registrations are managed via the ID request process - no additional overhead for USASF.
- Registration cutoff is somewhere into the season, maybe November, before the 'big' competitions start
- EPs can collect and quickly visually scan the cards, even just by color, going onto the floor. Random checks of photos.
- EPs of larger competitions, where bids and jackets are at stake, also make the most profit. They can pay staff for more rigorous checks.
Simple to implement and most likely 99% effective - IF USASF comes down swiftly and severely on programs caught cheating using fake IDs. AND if the athletes care enough to police themselves and each other - like they did here - it could be near perfect.
During this first season, someone could be building the tracking system to implement Phase II (the trending). Any training and informational materials could be rolled out to the EPs and they could have adequate time to develop their internal procedures and define staffing needs.
I keep going back to gymnastics. They don't have a complex system...simple credentialing, pride (to be declared at your true level) and integrity - that is what they have to keep things in order.
CGAcheer - your opinion on how much responsibility USASF would be willing and able to take on or how they would react to these proposals? Not asking you to speak on their behalf, just your opinion based on past experience. Thanks.