All-Star What Gym...? Needs Advice

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Apr 14, 2010
Hellloo boarders!

As a stressed out Senior this year, deciding where I want to go to school is obviously number one on my to-do list. (Besides the fact of counting down when I can tumble...but anyways...). Cheer gyms playing a factor, I'd just like some advice/pros of some gyms I'm interested in. Definitely not looking to cause any controversy. If you would like to private message me on Facebook instead, just look for the LONGG..."Catherine Anne Labbe Haley" and message me there! Anyways...

Potential Gyms/Colleges

San Diego State University- would cheer at The California Allstars
University of Louisville- would cheer at GymTyme Allstars
University of Georgia- would cheer at The Stingray Allstars

Clearly not a long list, but this is what I currently have it narrowed down to. Thank you ahead of time for the help!! Happy boarding!! = )

*Cat Haley
Unless you plan on being a coach and being in cheerleading your whole life choose the college first. You have narrowed it down to three colleges and all have cheer gyms and something to offer. But if the best underwater basket weaving (you're dream major I know) school in the world is at San Diego State and the University of Georgia doesn't even offer it as a major the wrong choice is anything but San Diego State. Can't all cheer forever, so just make sure you make the right educational choice first.
Unless you plan on being a coach and being in cheerleading your whole life choose the college first. You have narrowed it down to three colleges and all have cheer gyms and something to offer. But if the best underwater basket weaving (you're dream major I know) school in the world is at San Diego State and the University of Georgia doesn't even offer it as a major the wrong choice is anything but San Diego State. Can't all cheer forever, so just make sure you make the right educational choice first.
AMEN!!! I get really sick of people talking about how they pick a school for cheerleading.

Also consider a school that has your major and may not have a competitive cheer team but is near an allstar program. Cheering both Allstar and College would be a major strain on your first year. If you only do allstar or college, then you would have more time to focus on academics.
Well, I think I came across as a kid who is only picking the school based off of ONLY cheerleading...That's not the case. I'm a geek, and I love school. I'm class president, honor roll student... just a geek..... Cheer being a passion of mine for my whole life, I've never had the opportunity to compete for a well known gym that I've always dreamed of. Do I realize that my body won't be throwing double fulls for the rest of my life? Of course I do. But, you best believe I'll be living my dream before my career ends. Plus, if I was picking a college based on cheerleading, I probably wouldn't even go to college...I'd just move somewhere to cheer. All three of those colleges have various things that I am satisfied with, and requirements that I feel I can make. I'm just looking for opinions based on these schools/gyms to help out my decision a little more. I apologize for coming across as a stereotypical, cheer-obsessed kid, making decisions based off of just cheerleading. Thank you for the help regardless!
I always read posts or hear things from HS kids like this who say 'Oh I'm going to such-and-such school for athletics'..and I always wonder what they're going to do if they get injured and no longer can play/compete and run the risk of losing their scholarship..that's a blow for setting your life up that way.

Assuming you're NOT one of those people, however :D as a recent college grad I will give you the BEST advice I can give at this time: IT'S. NOT. WORTH. DEBT. OVER. That's right. I am a college grad and I am telling you that it's almost not worth it. ALMOST. College is essentially the new HS- anyone can get in, and Bachelor's in Business are a dime a dozen. Minus the prestigious Ivy Leagues and Conservatories/Your major is performance based and you need to audition to be accepted to the school(I was an acting major so that played a HUGE role in where I went)..anyone and their auntie's dog can get a college degree. Since I know nothing about those schools, I say go for the one that will give you the LEAST amount of college debt, as I know for a fact that is what MANY of my friends are struggling with. I was blessed to find a program that fit my major and was incredibly generous with the fin aid (for a geeky, hard-working nerdaholic like myself)..but they're not everywhere. Digging yourself into debt so you can blow away your brain cells on alcohol at frat parties may not seem like a big deal while you're doing it, but I've watched a LOT of former classmates get stuck at home with NO job, a MOUNTAIN of college debt and realize they learned nothing- and that ain't an easy pill to swallow. In this economy: get your degree as cheaply as you can but WORK those networking and extra curricular stuff that makes you attractive to'll get you MUCH farther. If that fits one of those schools, excellent. If you need to stay closer to 'home' and can find another program and it'll save you a dollar, go for it. Cheer isn't forever, but college debt can EASILY be.
Is distance a factor at all? Something also to think about if your going to fly to school- is it close to an airport? If not, you'll get slammed in cabs or bus keys. And do you drive? If not, getting to Rays could be hard- my GA geography isn't perfect, but Athens isn't that close to Marrietta. Obviously GT and UofL won't have that problem haha. Good Luck! I would love to go to UGA (I'm from MA) but I don't think my parents would let me go that far away :rolleyes:.
I always read posts or hear things from HS kids like this who say 'Oh I'm going to such-and-such school for athletics'..and I always wonder what they're going to do if they get injured and no longer can play/compete and run the risk of losing their scholarship..that's a blow for setting your life up that way.

Assuming you're NOT one of those people, however :D as a recent college grad I will give you the BEST advice I can give at this time: IT'S. NOT. WORTH. DEBT. OVER. That's right. I am a college grad and I am telling you that it's almost not worth it. ALMOST. College is essentially the new HS- anyone can get in, and Bachelor's in Business are a dime a dozen. Minus the prestigious Ivy Leagues and Conservatories/Your major is performance based and you need to audition to be accepted to the school(I was an acting major so that played a HUGE role in where I went)..anyone and their auntie's dog can get a college degree. Since I know nothing about those schools, I say go for the one that will give you the LEAST amount of college debt, as I know for a fact that is what MANY of my friends are struggling with. I was blessed to find a program that fit my major and was incredibly generous with the fin aid (for a geeky, hard-working nerdaholic like myself)..but they're not everywhere. Digging yourself into debt so you can blow away your brain cells on alcohol at frat parties may not seem like a big deal while you're doing it, but I've watched a LOT of former classmates get stuck at home with NO job, a MOUNTAIN of college debt and realize they learned nothing- and that ain't an easy pill to swallow. In this economy: get your degree as cheaply as you can but WORK those networking and extra curricular stuff that makes you attractive to'll get you MUCH farther. If that fits one of those schools, excellent. If you need to stay closer to 'home' and can find another program and it'll save you a dollar, go for it. Cheer isn't forever, but college debt can EASILY be.

Wow. The intelligence behind this post is INCREDIBLE!!! I have been saying the exact same thing for years!!

Listen up high school cheerleaders... pay attention... COLLEGE IS AN INVESTMENT!!!

What do I mean by that. I mean, any smart investor considers their RETURN ON INVESTMENT prior to making any decision to invest!! Consider your options carefully seniors. Think deeply on what makes you happy in life. Where do you see yourself going with a career? Now determine your RETURN (ie. how much money you will make). Factor in how much time it will take REALISTICALLY for you to begin working in your field when you graduate. Call a "temp" company and ask them how the demand is for the field you intend to study. If it is going to take 2 - 3 years to find a good job in the field, add this to the equation. After you have done all this, then determine how much you can afford to be in debt given the return you will get from a degree in that field. This should be the ONLY WAY to determine what college to attend.

I know so many who just like kristenthegreat, have graduated college with a limited options for work. The job market is horrible... and even worse... IT'S DECREASING!! Unfortunately, due to the fact that the gov't continues to control the market on college loans, allowing anyone with a pulse to qualify, college prices will NEVER go down. Easy credit means the colleges have no reason to lower cost. In the real marketplace, competing companies drive prices down (take technology for example... a DVD player used to be $800... today you can get one for $25). College is not allowed to endure this competitive environment because any student can get tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans to attend their school. They don't even care what type of money you make when you get out or whether or not you will be able to pay... they will loan it to you anyway!!! If the gov't stopped controlling the student loan marketplace, colleges would quickly be lowering their prices, because students wouldn't be able to afford the outrageous prices they charge.

Anyway, I've gone off on a bit of a tangent here, but I hope you get the point. What kristenthegreat said is sooooo true. I hope a lot of you will read these posts and think deeply about the school you will attend. Remember, every investment you make should take into account RETURN ON INVESTMENT (ROI) first! These are tough times and they're getting tougher. If you're not smart enough to really consider your options, you'll end up in a world of debt, and that's NOT a fun place to be!!

Good luck!!
College loans suck. Whichever school you decide on, try and get as much fin aid and scholarships as possible
If you were to choose San Diego State, you'd probably cheer at California All Stars' San Marcos location. It's about 33 miles form SDSU to Cali. The drive is not too bad, about 40 minutes, unless it's high traffic time during the week, then it's horrible the last half of the drive. Expect at least an hour commute. You'd also need a car to make that drive, unless there's someone close who could give you a ride.

If you really want to cheer at Cali, look into California State University, San Marcos. It's an up and coming university that is very close to the Cali gym.

CheerForce San Diego is about 10 miles from SDSU and there is a trolley that goes from the school to about a half mile from their gym.

Good luck with your choice! It's a very exciting time for you!!
Is distance a factor at all? Something also to think about if your going to fly to school- is it close to an airport?

One of the reasons I love UofL... the Louisville Airport is a 3 minute drive from campus. tops. I've never had a problem with getting a ride to or from since it's sooo close

In this economy: get your degree as cheaply as you can but WORK those networking and extra curricular stuff that makes you attractive to'll get you MUCH farther.

Honestly.. wherever you wind up.. GO GREEK!!!!! Or find an on-campus organization that suits you!! It is AWESOME for networking and resume building!

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