Well, if it's a USASF sponsored event, I'm not sure the coaches should have to supervise. You could argue (I'm not by the way) that technically the season is over, so the coaches may not be responsible for them. In situations like this, everyone is at fault. The kids are representing their gyms, the gym is at fault. The kids are at a USASF sponsored event, USASF is at fault. They are on Disney property, Disney is at fault. The kids are acting in a moronic fashion, the kids are at fault. The parents are either unaware or not interested, the parents are at fault. The only way I can see things changing is if the punishment is severe enough to cause the kids to not want to behave that way.
No thank you! lol. The only issue I see with the social host laws is the USASF did not provide the alcohol. The athletes (in most cases I'm sure) got it themselves. My guess is they brought it from home. Not sure what impact that has. Regardless, if something happened to anyone because of the actions of an intoxicated kid, you better believe that all 3 entities would be held responsible. Civil suits can do just as much damage (if not more) than a criminal one.