As an event producer, I would like to offer a few non-discussed sides of this issue.
First off, this is an issue that is certainly not only related to World's divisions, therefore is very much in need of a punishment that is not World's related. Some gyms will never field a World's team, and therefore needs to be repercussions for them. World's can tie in as well, but cannot solely be based on that.
Second, I feel that the punishment needs to come from the USASF, and not just the event producer for 2 different reasons. 1) If the punishment is that they aren't allowed to come back to my events for a time period, all I'm doing is sending them to my competitor. This makes it in the best interest of the event producers to overlook/not make a big deal of a team that is in violation. About the best we can do is to have them forfeit & compete in the correct division next time. 2) It's a USASF rule, however, there is no back up for the EP that is happy/willing to play by the rules. I'll be the first to enforce a rule, but as it is right now, there's no one to back the EP up, for anything that is outside of a World's division at my bid event.
Third, I think that a LOT of this will be fixed by the required registration, however, the penalties must be laid out as well, or is just remains unenforceable. I've been told that the Compliance Committee is looking into this.
Lastly, Here's my 2 cents on how I think this should work and be enforced.
Any team that is found, by the EP, to be in violation is required to be turned in to the USASF. There would be a financial penalty for that program ($1K for 1st Violation, $5K for 2nd, $10K for 3rd, etc.) Gyms should be encouraged to add to their Code of Conduct that a parent responsible for any violations would be responsible for any related fees. There should also be a penalty for EP that do not turn in programs that are found to be in violation (Bids revoked, as well as financial penalties).
I hope that helps a little to look at this from a different side this issue.