A little late on the update, but its been a crazy few weeks. :oops:
The meeting was a very interesting experience which I won't discuss the details of in respect for the program in question. But I will give an update of some of the happenings in the CDO4 household since then.
I'll start off with CP3 whom the thread was about. We did end up pulling her from the program and while this has been a very stressful situation for her, a lot of positive things have also come from this. (Originally she was going to take the year off but when stunting at a different facility's open gym one of the coaches took interest and we ended up having a meeting with the gym owners shortly after.) They had a couple positions available and CP is now on Sr. 5 R. She's already enjoying it so much and has made a ton of progress in such a sort amount of time! :)
CP1 will be staying the season with our original gym. We support him in his decision and fully understand his reasons, and of course are proud of his courage to stay and commitment to his fellow teammates. CP2 is undecided. Our youngest CP will also be joining the new program on a half-year Y1; she was originally on Y2 but we didn't feel comfortable taking another athletes spot or adding more alternates to an already overfull roster. This will be a good opportunity for her to become a leader and to strengthen her skills...not to mention she gets a chance to base and is over the moon about that, haha. :D
On a sort of side note; this transition has been rough and probably will continue to be in the foreseeable future (many people have not reacted pleasantly and we're doing our best to shelter our kids from the backlash. And continue to make cheerleading a positive experience for them), but all in all it's been completely worth it. The new facility so far has been wonderful and they've opened their arms to us and made our kids feel very much at home. (The one thing if anything I've noticed, even within a few practices is that the amount of attention and nurturing of talent, whether level 1 or level 5 is equal and that the coaches seem to genuinely enjoy working with the athletes and developing their skills.) So to all those families with kids (or athletes) whom aren't happy or are in a less than pleasant situation within their/your gym...or any other sport. Don't be afraid to take a stand and change things for the better. Our kids are only young once and cheerleading can't be done forever, so make the most of now and make the experience as positive as possible. So many amazing life lessons and skills can be learned from this sport, especially with great coaches and a good environment.
Our journey is far from over yet, but thank you all for the continuous support and encouragement. Our family is very grateful! :kiss:
Thanks again,
PS: I hope most of this makes sense. I've had about six cups of coffee in the last 3 hours, (bad! I know.) and the caffeine is making me into a bit of a random babbler. So apologies for that!