High School Which Tumbling Pass Should I Do At Tryouts?

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Feb 5, 2011
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My back handspring isn't looking so good so Ill have to resort to something I'm more confident with. Something with a front walkover fronthandspring roundoff or backwalkover. Any ideas? It il get me extra points to tumble (not required) that could be useful. Any combo ideas and PLEASE tips for how to execute the frontspring neater (can sometimes be a lil messy not to often) thanks cheer chicks and wish me luck :). Any tryout tips would be a plus. Il be a freshman!
My back handspring isn't looking so good so Ill have to resort to something I'm more confident with. Something with a front walkover fronthandspring roundoff or backwalkover. Any ideas? It il get me extra points to tumble (not required) that could be useful. Any combo ideas and PLEASE tips for how to execute the frontspring neater (can sometimes be a lil messy not to often) thanks cheer chicks and wish me luck :). Any tryout tips would be a plus. Il be a freshman!

Go with what you are most confident with if it is just for extra points and not required. That way you can focus on your smile and spirit which sometimes counts more in HS tryouts, Good Luck!
Agree. Go with what you are confident in. If your coach allows you to ask him/her what to do then do it. This year I allowed girls to ask me what skill to throw. I had them tell me what they could do and then I told them which I would rather see and what would score higher. Your coach may be looking for exact things so ask if you can!
Depending on what they are requiring to make the team, you should see if you can throw what you are confident with first. But also throw the back handspring to show you can and are working on making it prettier.
I agree with Goosepatrick, throw your backhandspring to show you can do it, and tell them your dedicated and will work on it! Just remember SMILE! Also, if any gyms around have a tumbling/backhanspring clinic, sign up for one, it'll help alot!
GOOD LUCK!! Hope you make the team. :D
Soo when I had walkovers I did a 1 handed front walkover roundoff cartwheel step in 1 handed back walkover.
But I think you should at least try your back handspring. It shows you can do higher level skills and is more impressive.
Good luck:)
Thanks guys. The thing is I haven't been to a tumble/cheer gym in a while now & have my first clinic Monday! I know all my other cheer elements are strong (Thank, God I've got some killer jumps) so I think I'll make the decision during tryouts. Like, if I mess up on a dance or cheer or wherever else in the tryout, I can pull something standing & make up for lost points. I'm just veeeeerrrrry nervous ya'll.
one of the ice passes was a crazy combo (from a corner) it was something like: front walkover, RO, 3 bhs (in your case back walkover), rebound then out of the rebound tumble back to RO 3 BHS (back walkovers)

it's a little BHS crazy but it looks really impressive :)
I would do a fronthandspring step out cartwheel backwalkover, then straight into a frontwalkover fronthandspring if you can.