I have a few things to say about this....
First, the person who keeps talking about the worlds score sheet, that is irrelevant, the worlds score sheet only applies at worlds, and Open 4 wouldn't be at worlds. Every other competition in the country has tumbling as a normal value, so a team with no tumbling would do horrible all year compared to a team with more tumbling. Also, many of the open teams that go Open 4 would barely even have half team standing tucks or running layouts. Most open teams like this have level 2/3 tumbling.
Next, the majority of open teams i see would fit into this category. I couldn't tell you how many open teams i see where they do prep doubles, and stretch full downs, but also do 2-2-1's, and back tuck baskets.
ITS ABOUT HAVING A QUALIFIED COACH. It's all about safety. A lot of these lower level open teams are not about winning. I competed against an open coed team this year with 14 people on it. And the only level 6 skills they did were pyramids and baskets. They didnt double out of anything. Their skills weren't that difficult either. I doubt they came their with the intention of winning. If you have the right coach, then safety won't be an issue, because they won't be pushed beyond their limit. If you don't have the skills, then DONT DO THEM. Just because youre level 6, doesn't mean your whole routine needs to be level 6. There are plenty of level 5 teams with barely any level 5 talent. Same with every other level. Coaches aren't making the best decisions for their teams.
I don't think we need this division. I just wish people weren't stupid across the board. Start making informed decisions. Start concerning yourself with the safety of your team. We shouldn't have to create a division for people just because their skills are lower than level 6. There is a level 1 and level 2, yet there are sooooo many teams with no skills in 2/3 that aren't in the division that they should be.
Perfect example. WildStars. No disrespect to anyone there, but they don't have the tumbling ability for level 6. They have a great coach who knows what he's doing. He doesn't push the team to get new skills that they can't handle. The team had a handful of standing tucks, and the rest had standing handsprings. The team was singling out of stunts. They also do prep, front flips. They can do back tuck baskets. They also do Level 6 pyramids. Their main purpose of competing is to give the girls a place to stay in shape and have fun. The Open 4 division would be more suited for them in terms of tumbling, however they are able to do those level 6 skills without hurting anyone. Not to mention, im sure they have fun working on the level 6 skills that they do.
Ending thought.... so while there are plenty of teams that would fit into this division in a few categories, they still fit into level 6 in a few areas. So moral of the story is don't throw skills you don't have. You know if you are not a truely competitive level 6 team. So just do what you can, and don't get hurt. Just have fun. You don't need a new division to have fun.