All-Star Who would be in favor of an Open 4 division?

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Mar 31, 2010
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College has intermediate(4) and Advanced(6) divisions.

I know there are a lot of people out there myself included, who might not have legit level 5 or 6 skills but might want to keep cheering. the way that its set up now once you turn 19 you magically have level 6 skills.

We all know there are a lot of Level 6 teams out there that would really benefit from an open 4 division.

I know we don't like to add more divisions but I think this would would be really popular and competitive
I honestly always wondered why there wasn't an open 4 division at some competitions. I like how Cheersport/NCA college has level 4 open so it would be interesting to see allstar have the division too. It gives a division to those seniors that graduate at a level lower then level 5 instead of placing them on a level 5/6 team where they don't have the skills.
IMO, I think this would be a bad idea. It is much harder to field a level 6 team because there are fewer college age people who still cheer (people quit due to injuries, burning out, too much going on, etc).

This division specifically would hurt lvl 6 immensely. There are often very few teams in 6 at any comp and creating this level would eliminate any type of competition in this division. I'm sure there are teams out their who would fit perfectly into this division, there are infinite division we could make to cater to everyone, but that would be detrimental to the sport as a whole.

I would much rather compete against 15 teams and get 5th, than compete against 3 and get second. If we continue to reduce the amount of competition in this sport, cheerleading will no longer be a sport but an exhibition.
The problem is that not enough athletes are graduating at an elite skill level to fill those level 6 teams and make them TRUELY competitive. Most often, the big name gyms are the only ones who can produce great level 6 teams. I think you will see a strong level 4 open team more often than a strong level 6 open team (tumbling skill wise). And AcaseA, even though it may hurt the level 6 division, the Open age group will grow because there are more options for these athletes and teams. This way, they arent clupmed together in one big division and they become more competitive. I think that cheerleading is no where near becoming an "exhibition" today as compared to, lets say 2005, where there were countless age groups (Pee Wee, Youth Prep, Youth, Junior Prep, Junior, Senior Prep, Senior, and Open just to name a few) and levels. Now there are fewer age groups with the same levels and most times, a team will be able to fit into a division, with the excpetion of the Open level. The divisions have been cleaned up a lot since then. No more "prep" age groups, the elimination of the "open" division in levels 1-4, etc. Levels 1-5 are so much more advanced in catering to a teams situation than the Open level is. We are not asking for levels 1,2,3,4,5, and 6 Open teams, just simply 4 and 6. I see no harm in that. :)
the international scoresheet is fit to where you dont have to have level 5 tumbling.
The problem is that not enough athletes are graduating at an elite skill level to fill those level 6 teams and make them TRUELY competitive. Most often, the big name gyms are the only ones who can produce great level 6 teams

My fear is that these larger gyms will become the only gyms with level 6 teams, and I honestly just don't think their are enough teams to fill up 2 divisions. For the last two years I competed on a level 6 team and the most teams we ever competed against was 2. We had to drop out of comps because there was no competition.

You do make some very good points and I see how their is a need for this type of division. My proposal would be to change the age in the senior open division to 18 and up, making it a true OPEN div.
My fear is that these larger gyms will become the only gyms with level 6 teams, and I honestly just don't think their are enough teams to fill up 2 divisions. For the last two years I competed on a level 6 team and the most teams we ever competed against was 2. We had to drop out of comps because there was no competition.

You do make some very good points and I see how their is a need for this type of division. My proposal would be to change the age in the senior open division to 18 and up, making it a true OPEN div.

what senior open division? the only one is senior open 5. (I'm just wondering because i dont understand what you are saying.) :)
I love the idea...theres plenty of athletes across the country that graduate at level 3 or 4 whom given the opportunity I'm sure would love to continue cheering.

Level 3/4 Athletes could continue cheering after they age out

Gyms could make money off of tryout and monthly fees

Companies would stand to profit with the addition of another division

And it doesn't really take away from any divisions we currently have in place b/c these are athletes that typically have no spots on competitive level 5 or 6 open teams.
what senior open division? the only one is senior open 5. (I'm just wondering because i dont understand what you are saying.) :)

Sorry, yes senior open 5 is what i meant. It has the lowered tumbling requirements like you suggested but would still allow higher lever stunts which I believe most older teams focus on / enjoy doing.
Sorry, yes senior open 5 is what i meant. It has the lowered tumbling requirements like you suggested but would still allow higher lever stunts which I believe most older teams focus on / enjoy doing.

That basically is international open 5 except with doubles and less tumbling required. And it wouldn't be called senior.
i think it would be a great idea, but at worlds i think it should stay only 5 and 6
and eye on the prize is correct, the scoresheet is fully based on stunts and pyramids, i think tumbling was like 10%? correct me if im wrong.
That basically is international open 5 except with doubles and less tumbling required. And it wouldn't be called senior.

Of course it wouldn't called be senior anymore. I'm just saying I don't think there is enough need to create a whole new division to accommodate these older lower level cheerleaders.

If we could change a current division to include them I personally would be more willing to change the divisions, not that I have any influence on the matter.
We already do have that division. International open 5. The scoresheet is fit to where you don't need tumbling to be successful.