All-Star Worlds Espn

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Soo, I realized I was missing worlds, turned on my tv to catch CEA sr elite, WCSS and F5. Those were the only teams I managed to catch :/ But hey if I only got to catch 3 teams, I'm glad it was those <3 Does anyone know if it will air again? I've never watched worlds on tv, and the quality of it was pretty amazing! A lot better than having to watch youtube. :rolleyes:
What do you guys think about them airing day 2 and not day 1 though? Also, I think from reading some of the previous posts, they should show more coverage! I could watch it all day! One mistake I caught though was they said Sr. Elite was from Raleigh :p But, I think it's pretty cool there are 3 sets of sisters on F5.. I didn't know that.
Since I don't know how to edit my post, I may add, that it's pretty impressive F5 went from 4th last year to 1st this year. I wonder what the biggest place jump a team has ever made from year to year or even day 1 to day 2?!
& Next year, I know for sure both F5 and Sr Elite are losing 12-15 seniors (not sure about WCSS) so it's going to be anyones game :D
Since I don't know how to edit my post, I may add, that it's pretty impressive F5 went from 4th last year to 1st this year. I wonder what the biggest place jump a team has ever made from year to year or even day 1 to day 2?!
& Next year, I know for sure both F5 and Sr Elite are losing 12-15 seniors (not sure about WCSS) so it's going to be anyones game :D

CEA's coed elite jumped up a couple places the first year they placed 3rd. Don't know what they got before that though.
I thought that this was better than last years. They showed like 2 seconds of my team's pyramid on an american cheerleader magazine commercial!
My dad was so impressed with Bangkok, and worlds he gave them a standing ovation:)
And that Amy, we know that you were a gymnast, and your SOOOO freaking amazed that people can tumble together, and be synchronized, so please shut up and let me watch these routines in peace, ahhh these "commentators", I can't...
Ummmmm Wait! Just watched this on ESPN and they made a HUGE deal about a basket that didnt go in Orange's routine. They said "thats gonna be a HUGEEEE deduction!" I dont think a missed basket during tumbling is a deduction. They didnt even attempt to throw the thing so how could a basket that didnt happen be a deduction? Maybe it is though. I just feel like they made the announcers say that so that their 3rd place finish could be justified for non-cheer watchers. A girl from Champion Cheer doubled completely off the mat in front of the screen and they didnt mention that. Hmmmm.....
I get upset over completely irrelevant things. Like she said "All of them are either current Louisville cheerleaders and/or former." You can't be current and former. I only get annoyed because i'm weird about grammar and such. But I do really like that they showed Thailand. They deserved it.

I agree on how they need to decide what demographic they're aiming to. I would LOVE for them to completely cut our commentary or at least cut back. I can't hear and enjoy the music with the way it is right now. You can't get the full affect in my opinion.

In regard to the statement "All of them are either current Louisville cheerleading and/or former" she is referring to some of them currently cheering for U of L and some now graduated athletes are members of the worlds team who don't not cheer at U of L so in fact the statement made perfect sense lol.
I agree that Justin Carrier could do a better job. I wonder how people are chosen to do the job. I also wonder if people like Justin have interest in doing the job. I don't see why he wouldn't be chosen for it. I just think you guys are being a tad picky. I don't think people outside cheerleading care about what Amy is saying, nor are trying to learn anything. When I watch gymnastics, I'm just watching. I don't really care about what is being said. Same for other sports that aren't cheerleading.

Justin is awesome no doubt! However being the head of Varsity All Star I'm sure he has a lot more on his plate year around and at the USASF worlds event that he may not necessarily have time to be a commentator for the television show.
a) who were the grand champs of worlds?
b) does gym tyme's IOC6 team always wear u of l uniforms? excuse my ignorance haha.

b - because most of louisvilles team is on gymtymes ioc6 & compete at worlds minus those who are on other gymtyme teams competing.
Was that @HeyimA jumping up and down and across everyone to be on the camera right before the commercial break before IOC6? hahahaha I'll have to watch again closer...
Ummmmm Wait! Just watched this on ESPN and they made a HUGE deal about a basket that didnt go in Orange's routine. They said "thats gonna be a HUGEEEE deduction!" I dont think a missed basket during tumbling is a deduction. They didnt even attempt to throw the thing so how could a basket that didnt happen be a deduction? Maybe it is though. I just feel like they made the announcers say that so that their 3rd place finish could be justified for non-cheer watchers. A girl from Champion Cheer doubled completely off the mat in front of the screen and they didnt mention that. Hmmmm.....

Im pretty sure it wasnt a deduction.

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