Oooohhhh no. The Sheetz is the shizzzz. Touch screen ordering from the grill. Yummmmmmm. The one around the corner from the kville gym actually comps coffee, soda or tea to the carpool parents since the three Charlotte carpools and the Raleigh carpool Always hit the Sheetz before getting on the road. They're so nice with, "drive safe! Stay awake, need anything else?"
Funny story: had a SE/coed practice go lonnnng (not out of the ordinary, we call it "Courtney time"'re done when she's done...whenever that is) and the coed kids walked in and the manager said, "there y'all are! You got out LATE tonight!"
To which we found much hilarity that the Sheetz people just know when to expect us.
But it got better... CSP told the story she apparently hit the same Sheetz after we'd cleared out that night and the manager said something to the effect of "that crazy lady kept y'all late tonight" so she reached across the counter and shook his hand introducing herself as that "crazy lady."
She told the story much better :D