1) I'm curious as to the various things they were yelling at Les lol, also who was in attendance. I assume that even if the person WASN'T in attendance, Les is smart enough to realize that they are more than likely watching the webcast as opposed to waiting for a text or for the list to come out later. Some of these names sound incredibly similar (Cheer Sport Extreme Athletics..) so I suppose he called out some of the coaches names he's familiar with so they would know.
2) How many of you routinely public speak for one of the most hyper-critical crowds in the history of the known universe? I'm sure it's jarring, that I can tell you...all the practice in the world can't always help you in that situation. Do you know how many names are probably on that list, considering she had to read off the name of every team in attendance, and small ag/coed alone were 40-50 JUST FOR PRELIMS?!?! That's a LOT to remember, even if English is your first language, and even if you run through it a few times. Iz just sayin'..