Probably the most emotional weekend of my life!!! Winning worlds with Black Ops was everything I could've asked for. The moment we walked into the gym on our very first practice of the season, our coach sat us down at the end of the day and said "I believe that these are the 2013 world champions. I see the passion, I see the drive, if you work hard enough, we will get there". The week of American Grand Las Vegas in December, I fractured my ankle at practice and was almost positive I wouldn't compete for a while; It was by the grace of god that I was able to tumble and compete that weekend lol. Then about two weeks later in early january, I fractured/broke both of my ankles at the same time while tumbling. I was absolutely devistated when the Dr. told me that it would be very likely that I would be out for the rest of the season. After sitting out Palm springs, I was just barely able to come back for Dallas. Ususally, tumbling is a no brainer for me, but ever since I was hurt, I was left with about 25% of the strength I had in my ankles previously, making tumbling a huge struggle. I never would've thought that a little over a month later I would be taking the worlds mat with the other 29 athletes I have come to know as my second family. The passion and love that every person has for one another on the team is incredible and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. <3