All-Star Worst Comp. Moments Ever!!!

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i probably shouldnt find this as funny as i do. i literally laughed for a good 3 minutes..
Its only funny cause as soon as we got off the floor I was like "why cant you be more fit like you brother" (his brother lives in colorado training for the 2016 olympics in gymnastics) he didnt appriciate that too much haha
Worst moment ever...... (no you will not be able to top this)

Base girl comes off the floor with bloody nose.
The Judges and I are worried and radio down to find out if the girl was ok.
Staff asked if she is ok and calls a medic.
Base girl looks confused?
Then they spot blood running down flyers leg.
Come to find out, base girl had not hurt her nose at all, but mother natures monthly gift struck her flyer at the worst time ever.
In the air. Poor Child.
OH MY GOD. THAT'S BAD! :D That is just hilarious.
Md States..... pick a year... even the years my kid won at this event.... :)
My worst routine personally was at day 1 of Jamfest Indy 2011 and I fell for the first time ever in a stunt in competition. I cried. And I busted on my face in my hurdler double toe handspring back. We also had another girl fall in her tick up that day. The next day I hit my stunt and the other girl fell again.

As a team, getting last place this year at NCA Dallas out of 33 teams was very embarrassing because if we had actually thrown our skills, we would have done every well. But my stunt was the only stunt to hit with no deductions both days and nobody threw their tumbling and our pyramid literally hit the floor both days. I tore my shoulder muscle back stage day two and busted in my full and everyone's passes got watered down. And after that competition we went level 4 because nobody on the team wanted to try anymore. And it wasn't due to the fault of our coaches, it was totally on the team. And day two, about half the girls on the team had said they didn't care and weren't going to try so I told our coach and he ripped them a new one because they were the girls who had huge parts in screwing up our day one performance. And then the girls personally attacked me for telling the coach but I didn't really care. Somebody had to do it and I was glad it was me.
We've all finished dead last in some competition, it's just whether you have the guts to admit it :D I feel ya.
Saw a girl throw a handspring tuck THROUGH the EPs backdrop and then get caught in it trying to untangle herself and get back to the floor. Pretty sure she landed ON the big spotlights that light up the backdrop.

In her (very small) defense, this particular EP has their backdrop sitting ON the back tape of the mat because there's not enough room in that venue to give them any buffer at all. It's literally set up about one inch off the back of the mat.
When a girl was half an hour late because of a parade and she was told she couldnt compete becuase she was late but any other time anyone else was late nobody had to sit out

When a girl got a concussion from a basketball the day before the comp and another because she did a toe touch at a basketball game

When a girl went to the wrong place for the comp

When a girl quit right before warmups because she didnt want to smile

When the coaches decide a couple of hours before the comp to give new moves out to the routine and change formations
also when you have to stay and watch all the teams and the last team from your gym is one of the last teams to go and they compete around midnight becuase the comp is behind schedule. And you have to wake up the next day because its a two day comp and you have to cheer on the minis

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