All-Star Worst Comp. Moments Ever!!!

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the first year I cheered I was doing a front walkover during competition and in the middle of it my period started. I had to fly a basket right after that and it wasn't pretty....
Mine isn't awful, but competing on j3, then competing a very hard j4 routine about 15 minutes afterwards and being so winded that I forgot to breathe and nearly passed out yaaay! I couldn't feel my legs or fingers! It really scared me. Instead of the base yelling at the flyer to stay tight she would yell at me, "BREAAATHE!"
I literally competed back to back with my teams before so I know how this feels.

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I was on a team when I was 14 back before divisions changed that competed level 6 stunts, and was basing the bottom level of our ending pyramid and the final pose fell. (wolfwall) The top girl kicked me in the head when she fell and knocked me out. Got carried off of the stage. I have the DVD from that performance too. It was horrible.

Also I don't remember if it was the same year or the one before, but one of my coaches punched one of the girls on the team in the face because she insulted her coaching. The girl who got hit also happened to be the gym owner's daughter. The coach was fired on the spot.
Woah wait a minute, the coach punched a child? Why in the world? She must've said something really nasty.

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My first year at CheerSport we were walking into warmups on Day 2 and one of the guys on my team hadn't shown up yet. When we all started asking where he was one of our other guys says "Oh, Sean? He's in JAIL. Got caught shoplifting at the mall this morning." Awesome.
I have a clear memory of a girl turning green pulling the neck of her crop top out and throwing up into it and then kept going. I was gagging by the end of the routine and I was 10 rows back. :oops:

One of my old teammates did this at practice into her shirt cause she didn't want the coaches to yell at her and make her clean up her own vomit

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I have quite a few from my 10+ years of competing:

Competing youth 2 division at us finals in Vegas, youngest girl on our team (she was 5) lost her shoe and proceeded to sit down in the middle of the routine and put it on.

For 2 consecutive years, a week before USA nationals in anehiem I broke something (first year my wrist did full tumbling and stunting and cried during the routine, 2nd year my foot and got taken out of all tumbling except for jumps to handspring {my least favorite due to back problems because of handsprings} and got taken out of like 3 stunts for no reason)

This year (not my team but my gym) one of our teams got 13 points in deductions and everyone was freaking out until we found out our rc5 got 22 points in deductions (seriously how?)

Every year I compete at cheersport in pheonix, az I eat Mat. First time I ever competed a layout I landed on the edge on the mat and ate it, then later in the routine I fell off the mat walking to pyramid and ate it again. Then this year I was in my boot (due to the broken foot mentioned earlier) and fell off the mat.

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Day 1 at Jamfest Indy, 2008, my teammate (and the backspot to 2 of my stunts) tore her ACL during the tumbling sequence. This was before they stopped routines for injuries.
At state my sophomore year we were defending our title for the first time ever. So we get through our cheer and then are set waiting for the music to start. Turns out they never tested our music and the copy they had didn't work... So then our coach is sprinting up the stairs in a maxi dress looking a hot mess trying to get her phone to them with the music. We waited there SO LONG. Routine limit is 3 minutes... We were on the floor for more than 6. And then a stunt fell and a bow came out, as if the day wasn't bad enough already! We ended up 6th... Probably could've been at least top 3 without the issues.

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This year at a pretty close comp our back spot accidenlty walked to the wrong group. We were doing a front 3/4 to cradle. It took her a while to figure out. Once she did she tripped back when she was trying to run to get us! When she did we didn't make it to cradle. I was the flyer so I tried to get up as a jump. She saw a diffrent group go five counts early so I sat there as she is swearing in my ear and keeps trying to turn me. That's not even the worst... We got last place( no surprise) at that comp there was not one part where we didn't drop a stunt. Except for my ball up extension lib in the pyramid. Our coaches said we crapped the bed!

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The worst: when my pants fell down at the end of my tumbling pass (Varsity I blame you for your horrible waistbands) I mean I didn't care my pants fell down I cared I actually feel down

The funniest/worst moment: when we were moving to the dance and the kid on the left of me slap clapped and then puked on the boy in front of him...
This year at a pretty close comp our back spot accidenlty walked to the wrong group. We were doing a front 3/4 to cradle. It took her a while to figure out. Once she did she tripped back when she was trying to run to get us! When she did we didn't make it to cradle. I was the flyer so I tried to get up as a jump. She saw a diffrent group go five counts early so I sat there as she is swearing in my ear and keeps trying to turn me. That's not even the worst... We got last place( no surprise) at that comp there was not one part where we didn't drop a stunt. Except for my ball up extension lib in the pyramid. Our coaches said we crapped the bed!

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This year at nationals, in our last minute in warm up, one of the bases on my team breaks her nose thanks to a flyer elbowing her in a front cradle. Blood everywhere and we had to compete 15 mins later. Thankfully they were able to stop the bleeding and she was allowed to perform. Doctor said since her nose was already broken it wouldn't even be a problem if someone landed on it again (whut?)
We ended up having a great performance and getting second.

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My flyer got a bloody nose in the first stunt of the routine by the time the pyramid came around she was bleeding pretty bad. We were in a smush and she bled all in our front spots poof it was absolutely hysterical. We ended up winning first place so it was ok :-)

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My flyer got a bloody nose in the first stunt of the routine by the time the pyramid came around she was bleeding pretty bad. We were in a smush and she bled all in our front spots poof it was absolutely hysterical. We ended up winning first place so it was ok :)

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Don't MPA rules say blood = routine stop?

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