All-Star Worst Comp. Moments Ever!!!

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Yes it does. But they didn't see it. We were all actually amazed that no one caught it.

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Not surprised. The year after I graduated my high school team had a girl go down with an injury in the routine and they didn't see it to stop. She rolled around for a little bit before a spotter finally picked her up and carried her off the mat. Still no stoppage. They built what they could without her and ended up not qualifying for state.

Thankfully a couple days later the high school league realized they were in the wrong by not stopping the routine and allowed them to perform the routine once for a panel of judges the following Monday. They beat the score of like, two teams that had qualified so they were allowed to perform at state as the 13th team. (Instead of top 12)
At state my sophomore year we were defending our title for the first time ever. So we get through our cheer and then are set waiting for the music to start. Turns out they never tested our music and the copy they had didn't work... So then our coach is sprinting up the stairs in a maxi dress looking a hot mess trying to get her phone to them with the music. We waited there SO LONG. Routine limit is 3 minutes... We were on the floor for more than 6. And then a stunt fell and a bow came out, as if the day wasn't bad enough already! We ended up 6th... Probably could've been at least top 3 without the issues.

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This happened to one of my friend's teams, but they were stunt holding the ending pyramid structure. The held it for probably 3 solid minutes before they got the CD to work and they were able to dismount and transition to the dance. I don't think they were penalized for going over since it was the stereo that malfunctioned and not their CD.
Not surprised. The year after I graduated my high school team had a girl go down with an injury in the routine and they didn't see it to stop. She rolled around for a little bit before a spotter finally picked her up and carried her off the mat. Still no stoppage. They built what they could without her and ended up not qualifying for state.

Thankfully a couple days later the high school league realized they were in the wrong by not stopping the routine and allowed them to perform the routine once for a panel of judges the following Monday. They beat the score of like, two teams that had qualified so they were allowed to perform at state as the 13th team. (Instead of top 12)

For clarification....since I was there and knew that Caroline was hurt....and knew the rule...and honestly this was partially premeditated on my behalf since I knew they weren't going to qualify based on their performance with or without the injury (In the video I'm like stop the routine...stop the routine...:nevermind don't)

Anyway the high school league didn't realize they were wrong. The next day I found the rule on the hsl website and tried to contact Floras coach. Couldn't get her. Couldn't get my mom, called another cheer parent and had her reach floras coach. Long story short that's why they were able to compete at DF the next week.

....because I'm a really good big sister and take the time to learn rules.

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For clarification....since I was there and knew that Caroline was hurt....and knew the rule...and honestly this was partially premeditated on my behalf since I knew they weren't going to qualify based on their performance with or without the injury (In the video I'm like stop the routine...stop the routine...:nevermind don't)

Anyway the high school league didn't realize they were wrong. The next day I found the rule on the hsl website and tried to contact Floras coach. Couldn't get her. Couldn't get my mom, called another cheer parent and had her reach floras coach. Long story short that's why they were able to compete at DF the next week.

....because I'm a really good big sister and take the time to learn rules.

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I remember that both parties (the coach and the high school league) thought it was the others responsibility to stop the routine. So it just kinda went on. Ended up working out for the best, of course, minus the injury.
I remember that both parties (the coach and the high school league) thought it was the others responsibility to stop the routine. So it just kinda went on. Ended up working out for the best, of course, minus the injury.

Honestly... I don't think the coach knew she was hurt...because when they all ran off the floor and I went to check on Teryn and they were back there literally cussing each other out, I remember her saying that she didn't even see her.

And I knew then that they could have regrouped and re did the routine.... but there was no way on God's green earth that they were going to qualify so I kept my mouth shut.
I have always been a "nervous vomiting backstage" A few times, I'll admit that I didn't make it. One time in particular (middle school comp way back in the day) I tripped running for the trash can. Not a pretty sight.
Once we had a three stunt group pyramid. A half on each side with a braced tick up in the middle. The halves started sideways and 180'd up. One of the 180s didn't go as planned and the flyer started falling forward. I was back spotting the middle group and since we were still in a load in, I caught the falling flyer, put her back into the stunt and then proceeded to go on with the pyramid.

I was freaking out bc I didn't know if it was illegal or if my coach would be mad or what lol but backspot reflexes made me do it. It was a super funny afterwards

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Once we had a three stunt group pyramid. A half on each side with a braced tick up in the middle. The halves started sideways and 180'd up. One of the 180s didn't go as planned and the flyer started falling forward. I was back spotting the middle group and since we were still in a load in, I caught the falling flyer, put her back into the stunt and then proceeded to go on with the pyramid.

I was freaking out bc I didn't know if it was illegal or if my coach would be mad or what lol but backspot reflexes made me do it. It was a super funny afterwards

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I've caught a side prep many a time :D I have also done an extremely aggravated, loud sigh occasionally paired with "OH MY GOD" mid routine when it's a constant problem. :oops:
Wait I totally just posted one of these but I thought of an even worse one. Literally a nightmare.

One day we just had an AWFUL competition. Absolutely awful.

In MI, we yell a cheer our whole routine. On this day, our routine was so disastrous no one was yelling the words because they were trying to get the counts right (lol). One stunt group went to go into a straight up heelstretch lib and for some reason it didn't leave the ground. One of the bases yelled "S#!*!" In dead silence and the flyer pulled her heelstretch at a gut with the biggest facial to make up for it.

I cried and cried and cried after I got off the mat, and ironically my stunts were the only ones to hit ;) but I did forget where to go at one point lol

I have never seen my coach as mad as she was that day in the 6 years I've known her lol

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I've caught a side prep many a time :D I have also done an extremely aggravated, loud sigh occasionally paired with "OH MY GOD" mid routine when it's a constant problem. :oops:
I've yelled "GRAB HER" & one time I accidentally yelled "What the ****" let's just say the wtf was said over the reason we lost a summit bid by .01

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Also "ITS A PREP" :oops:

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HAHA I still remember the maddest a coach has even gotten at me was in my first year of allstar cheer in 7th grade. I based a shoulder sit on the side of the pyramid and couldn't get her up one practice. "IT'S A SHOULDER SIT!!!!!!!!!"
HAHA I still remember the maddest a coach has even gotten at me was in my first year of allstar cheer in 7th grade. I based a shoulder sit on the side of the pyramid and couldn't get her up one practice. "IT'S A SHOULDER SIT!!!!!!!!!"
We had to do one of these in a routine once (just a little showoff thing not a comp routine) and we could not get it whatsoever. And we had 3 people. Another girl ended up not being able to be there though so I went to base in her place and they just spotted in the back instead. Everyone was making fun of us because we couldn't get the dang shoulder sit. LOL

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