During my third year in all stars I believe at my old gym, we were competing at Mohegan Sun. The competition was running ridiculously late, and my youth 2 team didn't compete until 11 pm. Our seniors didn't go on till 2 am. Needless to say, a bunch of 8 year olds are not ready to compete at 11 pm. We are ready to go to bed. So if that wasn't enough of a disaster we go out to perform and our music stopped right after a girl fell in one of her stunts. We got to star over!! THE GIRL FELL IN THE STUNT AGAIN. I'll never forget it. We ended up in second I believe.
In Daytona they didn't have regular water for the athletes they only had flavored when you got off the mat. I hated flavored water and refused to drink it. I proceeded to get dehydrated, so I was light headed and nauseous. Soon after that, I had to perform again for my other team.
When I had two of my stunts fall at BATC two years ago. That was just awful.