OT You know you're a cheerleader when...

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when you find yourself thinking about cheersport nca and worlds alot more lately
When you see an open space like a hotel hallway or a big open land of grass and you picture yourself tumbling accross it!

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yah I always do that! Like when I'm in someones house and they have like a really long hallway I always want to tumble down it. I actually do handsprings down my hallway even though it's not very wide:)
I do that, except instead of a high V, I do a heel stretch.

Okay, my list:

if you drink water to 8 counts at practice.
when you open the fridge and look at the bottom, and you automatically do an arabesque or needle instead of just bending.
when you spend a solid hour stretching my scorpion to cheer music.
when your youtube suggestions are ALL cheerleading related.
when you wait for something in the microwave by doing 360's and stunt sequences in front of it.

I definitely do cheer moves in the car and almost cause accidents. my boyfriend is sick of listening to cheer music. I know the words to songs on the radio because they're in other team's music. lol

I spent like a hour today stretching my scorpion.... I'm rly sore now. I was doing a stunt sequence in my kitchen today and I kicked a table too. I'm going to be hecka sore tommarow:(
OMG! whenever i go to sleep, i have a weird dream that im cheering & like when it comes to the tumbling part in the routine, i act like im doing an actual bhs & i throw my arms back really hard & they hit my wall. yeah, it hurts alot. haha.
when you wear a cheer extreme shirt under your school uniform during the time of worlds
when you write writing papers about cheerleading
when you write about cheerleading on the state test, and since they don't know you, you can make up anything you want :)
In my ceramics class I made a teal & black pot in the shape of an X. And for my speech class I did a speech on stunts and for my how-to speech in a couple months I'll be doing how to do a standing tuck :)
When you're on driving through North Carolina for a family vacation and get off an exit to get gas and you realize it's the Mt. Airy exit... where Maddie Gardner lives. And no one else understands your excitement that maybe you'll run into her at the gas station and get a picture. But to you it's like running into a celebrity.

Same goes for driving by the Kernersville exit, no one else cares about Kernersville, but for me it's like Hollywood.

While driving to Florida this summer we stopped in the Kernersville exit at 2 in the morning for gas and i went inside and was asking the clerk how happy he was SE won and they just looked at me confused. Then, I ran down the road and made my mother take a picture of me near the Kernersville sign! (:
-you find out your moving and you dont worry about schools or houses, you worry about gyms!
-you could sing the rest of a teams music with voice overs and sound effects, if the music ever cut out.
-you could get put on a team in warm ups, learn everything then, and the compete like its all you've ever known.

This just made my life...
when you're home alone and you hook your ipod up to the stereo and blast cheer music, while marking through other teams routines

when you only know s0ngs because you heard it in a cheer mix

when you say voice overs soo much, that they get stuck in your friends heads, and they say look what you did..
when you tell your non cheer friends you just got home and they say, "from cheerleading?"

when you show your non cheer friends videos from worlds that are saved to your ipod, and say isnt this sooo sick, and they say not really.. and you rewind it and say HOW?!

when you get your brother to think about starting cheer!

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