OT You know you're a cheerleader when...

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when you know all the words and SFX to all the music of your favourite teams because you have the mixes on your ipod and listen to them over and over again.. and when just listening to the bit that their pyramid is supposed to go on gives you goosebumps!

When you go to school the day after a cheer practice and yell excitedly "WE GOT A NEW PYRAMID/STUNT SEQUENCE/CHEER MOTIONS/OPENING!!!" and then go around to all your friends asking if they want to hear what its like. then keep nagging them until say yes, then you describe the whole thing in great detail using cheer words so that at the end they just look at you and say "huh?" and you have to go "I'll have to show you or you won't get it."

i love cheerleading! :))
When ur friends know that every time you open ur mouth, ull end up saying something that relates to cheer
when your spanish teacher asks you how your weekend was and you have no idea how to say i got a new tumbling pass. and then you have to explain what tumbling is and what a full is and he just looks at you like you're crazy. yeahh, good times
... you do not only have cheerleading bookmarks, but when you have tons of categories for cheer related bookmarks.
-when your at your camp for 4th of july and the fire works last till 2 am but after tht u and your cheer friends do stunts in the dark while your other friends sit there watching u like your crazy(this is farely recent)
- when u and your best cheer friends talk about opening a gym because u want to be friends with them for your whole life (right now we are working on gangsta luv all stars lmao)
- when anything u send to facebook via share is about cheer
-when ur friend over txt calls u the boss and you send them to georgia semi coed 5 voice over tht says yes im the boos
-when u try to find a "medal rack" because u want them each displayed proudly
-trying to keep the trophies to yourself in your room (still has not worked for me yet)
-when at school your entire grade knows who your cheer friends name age birthday and what team the are on
-when people at your school chase u down the hall saying you name followed by you gym name and then say winning grand champion!! (lol tamara)
-when you have another cheerleader in your house room (like homeroom for school) and you work on scorpions and heel streatches and stuff like that
-when ur sitting at the computer and u make sound efect noises
-when u fight with people about cheer being a sport then they start watchin cheerleader nation and say it is a sport but just 5% less then other sports (gggrrrrr)
-haveing 1000003685857484762836237363647646666786778978957645764 people a day tell you u have glitter all over you and when people that dont know u very well and forget your name call u glitter girl spreading glitter everywhere
-saying how that person looks like a cheerleader
-when your cheer shoes get to small and all torn up after a while u feel like your gunna get killed when you go to trow them away and then u get the feeling of guilt after you do trow them away
-when your with you school friends and you tell a cheer inside joke then remember noone there knows what your talking about
-when ur going on vacation and dont wanna go because your missing cheer (thts me ='( )
-when ur convo gose like this: friend:do u wan-. you: it cant be_______ or ___ i have cheer practice and i cant do it ____ i have a competition. friend: oh never mind then. you: you can come to my competition if you want though!! friend:no thanks i have enough cheer during the weekdays
-when fierce board becomes just as addicting as facebook
-when you facebook statuse is fierce boarding join it and friend me if u wanna chat because i prob wont answer you txts
-when your txting after practice and they ask how it was and you say sweaty and they go eww and you go i like when i sweat it means im working hard
-when u sweat so much from working hard u run out of sweat to sweat
- when your 5 yr old brother screams run faster and work harded whille u and your team are conditioning
-when u get up really really early for a competition so you can get your uniform on faster because its fun to wear it
-when you think your uniform is one of the comfiest things you own to wear
-when you and yor cheer friends break out into song but not just any song all of you favorite cheer music
-when u get a break at pyramid cheoreography and your friend starts doing georgia all stars routine while singing the music
-when your friends are looking at your facebook friends and ask how u know someone 4 states away and you say the bond of cheerleading
-when ur non-cheer friends get magaziens from yor room and they are all cheerleading ones
-when you go to wegmans and you cant reach somthing on the top shelf so you put the smallest person up in a prep
-when u go to wallmart in your cheer uniform
-when you wear you spankies under skirts/dresses and other baggy bottoms
-when u look at cheer magazines and go: OOOHHH JUST OMG SHE/HE IS FIERCE!!!!!
-when you get a gold fish and name it after your favortite cheer gym
-when u ask someone who dose not cheer if they know who kiara knowlin is and they say no and u basicaly are going crazy and trying to load youtube as fast a possible
-when u stalk cheerleading on youtube
-when you hear a song and say omg this part of a song would be PERFECT for a opening/ending of a routine
-when your friend gets a doll and names it and gets it a gym uniform then makes it a facebook
-when you make a fake commercial for your cheer gym
-(my friend did this not me) when you paint your room yor gym colors and put the logo on the wall and get a custom made bed set to match (tamara and taylor!!!!)
-when your watching a youtube video and hold a bow and arow like the whole time
well the length of this list is getting rediculuse (if thts how u spell it) soo im gunnna end it short
sorry about how long my previouse post was i got carried away
when your in a store and you think you hear music from your favorite team and start to do the stunt and jumps and dance they do. it happened to me today in the mall...
alsoo: when u get a bad grade on your math test and your excuse is "im a cheerleader we only count to 8"
When you're on driving through North Carolina for a family vacation and get off an exit to get gas and you realize it's the Mt. Airy exit... where Maddie Gardner lives. And no one else understands your excitement that maybe you'll run into her at the gas station and get a picture. But to you it's like running into a celebrity.

Same goes for driving by the Kernersville exit, no one else cares about Kernersville, but for me it's like Hollywood.
-you say the word "fierce" way to much
-when your ipod if full of cheer mixes
-you have friends from other cheer gyms in different states/countrys
-days after competition, and you still have glitter on your face :)
You have whole folders and bookmarks dedicated to specific teams (Spirit Explosion) and stretch pictures :D
When you have a girl and a boy beta fish and you name the girl cali and the boy bullet

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