All-Star You Know You're A Cheer'parent' When................

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The same goes for marking stunts....thou shalt not mark the tic tocs in SE routine while driving to work, for thou might accidentally slam on the breaks!
Actually last night I was driving to work and listening to Rays Smoke on repeat because I LOVE the fact they use Aerosmith in their routine. Stuck in traffic with window down I yelled "Taggggg NOT IT" (with fierce hair flip) and looked over and the lady in the car next to me looked horrified! I yelled "Don't judge me!" and moved up! lol

I'm struggling to not bust out laughing in right now. The doctor is out of town so it is pin-drop quiet, lol...
The same goes for marking stunts....thou shalt not mark the tic tocs in SE routine while driving to work, for thou might accidentally slam on the breaks!
Actually last night I was driving to work and listening to Rays Smoke on repeat because I LOVE the fact they use Aerosmith in their routine. Stuck in traffic with window down I yelled "Taggggg NOT IT" (with fierce hair flip) and looked over and the lady in the car next to me looked horrified! I yelled "Don't judge me!" and moved up! lol

So beyond funny!!! :D

When you listen to cp's cheer music all the way to LA Fitness to get motivated for spin class.
So beyond funny!!! :D

When you listen to cp's cheer music all the way to LA Fitness to get motivated for spin class.

When you listen to any cheer music while getting ready for work just to get motivated for your day! Then you walk into cp's room to wake her, cuz she slept right through her alarm, and she starts marking the routine for the music you're listening to while her head is still under the pillow.
OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just got a simmy from @ACEDAD!

I think I am officially a cheer'parent now. I'll be back in a week when I come back from cheer heaven!!!

ETA: @ACEDAD and @lolsmileyface_backAGAIN shimmied the same post. I feel like I should get some kind of Ghandi or Mother Teresa (the Pope is already taken) harmony award

I thought that a shimmy from me and a shimmy from @lolsmileyface_backAGAIN cancelled each other out?

That would normally be what each of your posts do. In my world, I'm going to take credit for making you both agree on something.
You plan your wedding around comp season.............
You plan having a potential 3rd child around comp season
You go to court with your ex husband and get the court to order him to take cp to practice
You extend the life of your disposable contacts by a month to pay for private tumbling
You throw your back out trying to show your cp that, yes, mommy can still do a round-off
You own mass quantities of the window crayons, in gym colors
You get confused what you're making cupcakes function or cheer function
You have headphones and NFL mobile locked in for those dreaded Sunday comps during game time
You carry emetrol, motrin, tylenol and cold meds in the duffle bag because being sick is not an option
Your facebook page has more than 10 albums title Cheer XXXX, and no one comments anymore because the pics are pretty much the same
You plan your wedding around comp season.............
You plan having a potential 3rd child around comp season
You go to court with your ex husband and get the court to order him to take cp to practice
You extend the life of your disposable contacts by a month to pay for private tumbling
You throw your back out trying to show your cp that, yes, mommy can still do a round-off
You own mass quantities of the window crayons, in gym colors
You get confused what you're making cupcakes function or cheer function
You have headphones and NFL mobile locked in for those dreaded Sunday comps during game time
You carry emetrol, motrin, tylenol and cold meds in the duffle bag because being sick is not an option
Your facebook page has more than 10 albums title Cheer XXXX, and no one comments anymore because the pics are pretty much the same

WOW......... You're a goner... LMAO!:D
When you can't hear a song without saying oh that's the song for (insert team name here and not just your gym) pyramid, basket, tumble section get the idea. Even worse when you say it's from their 2007 routine.

When your CP is done with cheering and you think what do normal people do with their time?
When your CP is done with cheering and you're still on the fierceboard. Can someone say denial!
It's okay. I'm in denial too! My cp stop cheering in 2009 and both she and my husband said, now you can get a life that doesn't involve driving cp around! I was so confused that i'm still lurking around! But she's about to start dance, pageants and tumbling again, so she'll be keeping me busy once more! Don't let her know, but I'm more excited about her restarting then she is! :D You know you're a cheer parent when you silently cheer inside when you retired cp announces she is going to restart tumbling classes!
It's okay. I'm in denial too! My cp stop cheering in 2009 and both she and my husband said, now you can get a life that doesn't involve driving cp around! I was so confused that i'm still lurking around! But she's about to start dance, pageants and tumbling again, so she'll be keeping me busy once more! Don't let her know, but I'm more excited about her restarting then she is! :D You know you're a cheer parent when you silently cheer inside when you retired cp announces she is going to restart tumbling classes!
Funny I've heard that too. The time together driving her around and being with her for the competitions and trips was the best part of her cheering. I do love the sport and loved the competitions, (yes I was at my computer for the entire weekend of Worlds, VOD, twitter, Fierceboard and cell, all going at the same time...sounding a little crazy I'll stop with that now;)).
I'll do a silent cheer for you too! :)
All you talk about with your cheer child in the car is cheerleading, uniforms, teams etc. Haha my mom and I did this. This is something my mom did, I forgot my socks in the hotel room so I called her and about five minutes later she reappeared with my socks. Lol true story! Gotta love my super awesome cheer mommy!
I dont cry everytime, but I do get nervous before she performs and prior to awards. I did cry when I seen her throw her first bhs.
Lol at U.S Finals in Virginia last year, my mom took a vid of my team at awards, you can hear her and our coaches husband freaking out in the background going Oh my god, oh my god over and over

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