Overheard this last weekend:
Cheermom to friend while wearing gym clothing:
I would like to start a team in my area
Ive got a few girls who would be interested
These teams arent truly level 5, ive seen 1 layout
I would start a sr team, 14+ cause these kids on jr teams dont look older than 14, there's no way blahblahblah
(Sr divisions are 16+ here)
They also mentioned it being a shame that it would be difficult to start a team, as they dont have the qualifications
But that wouldnt be such a big deal....
I believe this was during the jr all girl 5 divisions...
I mean, if you want to be an ignorant , i believe to know better than the coaches, cheermom , be my guest
But do so in the privacy of your home, dont do it in gym clothing and loud enough for others to hear&doubt your loyalty to the program you are representing...