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  1. J

    Stunting Help Or Advice Needed...

    hello! I am one of 3 captains on my high school team, and we have been experiencing stunting challenges with a particular team member since the beginning of our season (June). This team member is new to cheerleading, and she attended UCA camp over summer with the rest of the team to learn the...
  2. BeckyySueWho

    Full Around Advice?

    Hello! So I coach a high school team, and we've been unable to get traditional 360s (from load to half or extension) but I think we may have some success in trying full arounds (from a half to half or back to load/to extension) I think some teams refer to them as "retakes", but I'm unsure of the...
  3. W

    Advice On This Stunt?

    Has anyone done this stunt that has any advice? For reference I am coming from a collegiate competitive cheerleading club. Our rewinds are not making much progress and we would like to add this stunt into the routine instead, but it would have to show significant progress in a weeks time. Thanks!
  4. M

    All-Star Tumbling Advice Please

    Hi all, I've always been terrified to do any kind of acrobatics/tumbling due to having balance issues as a child. I've been cheering for about 1,5 years now, and at my gym,we are starting to focus more on tumbling. It took me roughly about a year to " get over "my anxiety and I am now able to...
  5. BBinNCsMom

    All-Star Need Advice From Tumble Coaches Please

    My CP 11 has been struggling with mental blocks off and on for over a year. Background-- She had level three skills at one point (working level 4) and hurt her knees about a year and a half ago and that started her set back. She worked her way back to her level 3 skills (wears her knee...
  6. Tealxblack25

    High School New Program Structure Advice

    Hi All, I was looking for some advice on how to handle new structures that have been implemented in our hs cheer program. I am the head coach and this past year was definitely a trying year. We are hoping to restructure our tryout process and varsity team as a whole. This past year was mine...
  7. Sully Gondron

    All-Star Need Advice For Contacting Coaches And Teams

    How do I go about contacting the different coaches and teams in order for them to participate in our video competition? I have a tendency to be straight up and out there, and want to try a more subtle approach (Thanks Official OWECheer)
  8. Sully Gondron

    Music Need Advice

    Ok so we are doing cheer video competition. We supply the mix and the different teams make up a routine to the same mix. Then we will upload the videos on the site for judging by us and by the fans. How do I go about contacting the different coaches and teams in order for them to participate...
  9. platinumcheerashley

    All-Star Advice For A First Time Summit-goer

    Hi guys! So I just thought I'd open this tread up to provide advice for any new people attending summit this year! I have personally never attended so I am also interested in hearing your answers! Any tips you can offer would be a great help to me and I'm sure a few others!
  10. R

    All-Star Flying Advice

    It looks like CP's gym may want her to fly this upcoming season and I am at a total loss as to how to help her at home. She just turned 7 and has based the last two years (and is a pretty darn good base in my opinion, due to the amount of muscle and strength she has). Her coach has worked with...
  11. Andrea

    Advice For Parents For Summit

    I'm a 5th year all star parent, but first year my daughter is on a team that's going to Summit (or any really large competition). Our teams travel by bus together and stay with the coaches, parents are on their own. Is there anywhere to find advice or recommendations on Summit from the parent's...
  12. Melodie B

    New Gym Owner - Looking For Advice And Equipment!

    After 20 years of coaching at all levels, I am opening a cheer gym of my own in the fall. I would love some advice from other gym owners. What would you tell a first time owner> What is the most important thing you could share with me? I would appreciate any advice you'd be willing to share! In...
  13. KnoxMom3

    1st Year Cheer Mom - Advice Please!

    Hello! New here (and to competitive cheer in general) and hoping for some insight and advice. I apologize in advance that this post is long and kind of all over the place. My daughter (7) is in her first year of AS cheer. She is competing youth level 2 with a small local gym. My CP is the...
  14. C

    Thinking About Quitting... (i Need Advice Respond Asap)

    sooo, i know what you're about to say "stick with it!!! it'll be worth it" but this is different. first, a little bit of backstory, this year I joined my school's cheer team, i enjoyed it so much that I am considering joining my local allstar team. but over the past few months, its becoming...
  15. B

    High School Single-based Stunt Advice

    To maximize scoresheets for an upcoming competition, my squad has been working on incorporating single-based stunting. We've had some success with a simpler walk-in load to prep level, but have not been able to push it to extension or any other variations. Any general tips or grips/loads you've...
  16. Zyylophone

    All-Star Worlds Traveling Tips And Advice

    Hey all! It's WORLDS YEAR!!!! With that comes Worlds traveling planning! This personally is my first Worlds (out of many in the future) and wanted to know what the best, and cheapest, way to travel and stay and have an enjoyable experience at Worlds 2016!! Hope to see all your beautiful faces...
  17. CheerItFullOut

    High School Nationals Transportation Advice Needed

    So our squad went with the commuter option because we received our rooming paid through a squad donation at The Walt Disney World Dolphin. Understanding that with commuter you do not receive transportation to and from events etc... Would you all think it would be beneficial in your experience to...
  18. K

    Advice - Half Year Team Or Stunt Clinics/cheer Camps

    I'm currently a senior and I plan on trying out for cheer in college or do an open team depending on where I end up. I've had to take the last 2 seasons off b/c of an injury and had too many conflicts to do school cheer this year.. so by the time I get to college it will have been almost 3...
  19. Kaylee_Kitty_Kat_75_

    OT I Promise This Isn't A Lie Haha..... But I Do Need Advice For This.

    I was in this writing contest and apparently I'm one of the three finalists. I'm either getting first, second or third place; I will not know until Wednesday. How do I not make a complete fool out of myself at the awards ceremony? I've never been in one before in my life, so I have no idea what...
  20. AScheer

    High School Uca Tumbling Advice

    Ok all my UCA coaches, judges and staff members, tumbling question for you. We are trying to decide between cartwheel tucks and standing hand tucks in a section of our routine. There isn't enough time for both. The girls have both, each are equally as clean. Our coaching staff has been...