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  1. Sophie

    All-Star Stunting & Dance Gifs/photos

    Just a few of my favorites i found on tumblr :p
  2. Tosh

    Middle School Stunting

    Quick legal question for a MS UCA team. Baskets are illegal! however, I wanted to know if the flyer is in an extended stretch, is it legal to do a switch full down. The reason for the question is because it can look like a basket. The flyer is in an extedted stretch and the bases/spot dips, pops...
  3. J

    Partner Stunting

    So in our partner stunting I feel like my flyer is coming down really hard still when she lands on the floor. What are some tips or techniques that you guys can suggest or recommend that I do to help her land more softly.
  4. J

    Partner Stunting

    I'm so happy and proud of my flyer, and everyone on our squad. She is amazing we started partner stunting 3 weeks ago and have gotten down 4 new stunts. In the first week we learned toss chair, last week we learned how to do walk in to hands, and then today we landed toss to hands and toss to...
  5. J

    So Proud With Partner Stunting.

    I'm so happy and proud of my flyer. She is amazing we started partner stunting 3 weeks ago and have gotten down 4 new stunts. In the first week we learned toss chair, last week we learned how to do walk in to hands, and then this today we landed toss to hands and toss to chair to hands. She...
  6. J

    Work Outs For Partner Stunting?

    I'm new to the whole cheerleading thing. I'm cheering at a D2 college right now, and was a former football player here. I was wondering about the stuff i should lift and other stuff.
  7. J

    Partner Stunting

    I just started cheerleading two weeks ago. And the cheer coach wants me parnter stuning, which I extrememly like. But I'm having a huge problem. I am able to do toss to chair and walk in to hands already. But for some reason when I do toss to hands I don't feel like I'm getting the flyer up...
  8. stuntjumptumble

    College Coed Stunting

    So this October, me and my friend are attending a Udel coed stunting clinic. We're really excited! The problem is, we have more of the skills for all girl, but we couldn't make that clinic. She is a high school cheerleader and I am all star and high school. Both of our flying skills are around...
  9. S

    High School Aacca Stunting Rules Question.

    I am doing choreography for a high school in ohio. and i am trying to figure out if i can do a certain stunt. i want the flyer to start on the ground, and jump to a handstand position at belly button level. can i do that under the aacca rules and regulations? or. can i have the flyer start in a...
  10. R

    All-Star The Future Of Stunting

    With tumbling already being limited this season, and perhaps it being even more limited next season - Do you think stunting will be limited as well? I've heard rumors that rules have already been written (I'm hoping to be voted on) to limit stunting. Whats everyone's thoughts?
  11. Getyourcheeron

    All-Star How To Get Over Fear Of Partner Stunting?

    Ok, so I want to cheer in college and most of the university cheer squads I want to be on (if not all) require the girls to be able to fly in a partner stunt. (And i'm just posting it here because of traffic. And I'm not sure if any posted this already, but sorry!) I'm not a flyer and in all my...
  12. King

    All-Star Olympic Stunting

    Cheer as a whole is way off from being an Olympic sport... but why not stunting? Two divisions: all girl group and single based. You could have a COP, would have a start value, and could deduct like gymnastics. Upper level would have no rules (Olympic level) but could have levels to get up to...
  13. ellaina reed

    Level Four Stunting

    i try to figure this stuff out through reading through the rules but i never can because of all the exceptions and what not. is it legal at level four to do a twisting cradle without a back? we were considering doing a lib, heel stretch, twist down without a back so that we could have more...
  14. 0riginal

    High School Favorite Hs Stunting Videos

    I know there are already threads for routines and things like that, but I didn't find any specifically for stunt sequences. I love seeing new and unique stunts and since it's usually harder for us high school teams to wiggle around rules, I was thinking we could all share our favorite videos of...
  15. HitPullCheer

    All-Star Stunting?

    If my wildest dreams in the whole entire universe ever came true and I am able to cheer next year (Last year I would be able to because I would age out), how would I be able to lean how to stunt? I mean, you learn tumbling from tumbling classes. But there are no stunting classes and you can't...
  16. A

    Coed Stunting Clinics In Socal?

    HI so im looking for some allstar gyms or any place that has clinics for coed stunting near southern California. I live in Arcadia so im far away from most gyms out here. I need to learn the basics to coed stunting for my college tryout video. Thanks :)
  17. KrystalB2244

    Help! Coed Stunting Problem!

    I am a junior in High school, and my dream is to apply and be accepted to the university of Hawaii my problem is, to make it on thier cheer squad you need to be able to do coed stunting, there are no guys on my highschool cheer squad and my competative gym doesn't have many guys, and the guys...
  18. UKHybrid

    Co-ed Stunting Tips

    Learn from the best, the Kentucky Cheerleading Center will host a Co-Ed Stunt Clinic on Saturday July 14th instucted by cheerleaders from the University of Kentucky! At this clinic KCC will also give away 2 Free Registrations to the University of Kentucky Fall Clinic ($150) to the best girl...
  19. lovcheer1995

    All-Star Coed Partner Stunting! Is A Girl Doing Toss To Hands The Same Amount Of Points As A Guy?

    Lets say your on a coed team with smaller boys who struggle to coed stunt but you have girls on the team that are big enough to partner stunt other girls. Can you max out you score sheet with 4 girls doing toss to hands for example, or any kind of partner stunting with four girl flyers? I was...
  20. WyldWon

    All-Star Coed Stunting Saga...

    I just wanted so make a sad observation regarding the new CoEd stunting requirements for level 5 max out your score sheet, the judges want to see "real" CoEd stunts...ok, fine but on the flipside did anyone ever think of the downside..for example, now coaches will be taking the "fetus...