All i have to say is this, everyone says it's better for our sport because then others outside of the sport can understand it easier, am i the only one who says to heck with these people? why is 36 so much harder to understand than having 30 on the floor? not trying to start an argument at all, i just don't understand that entire logic. If someone TRULY wants to understand our sport, they can figure out that large is 36 and small is 20 =/. Other than that I LOVE large senior, it is my favorite division out of all of them, so I am sad about this. I have to say i honestly think that this, "it's going to help us out in the long run because we need more competition, is a little absurb." Here this and respond how you would like: Two years from now when CEA, F5, and WC decide, they want to move to the medium division since it is literally dead now, and they want to compete against the other teams who were brave enough to make this move, who will be the front runner then? These teams you think you have drawn in? Or CEA F5 and WC, because i'm going to bet money that when they cut 6 girls off the team, they will have an even better chance at winning a globe, then there goes that competition that got brought in, scared right back into senior open 5. IMO