everyone says that NJ is filled to the brim with gyms, but what we are not consistent with is truly competitive level 5 teams. World Cup of course, and every once and a while South Jersey Storm, CJA, All Star One, etc. pops out a really incredible level 5 team. but it's not consistent. ACE always goes to worlds with hands down some of the best teams out there. i think it would be incredible for another big name like that to grace the Jersey shores. it would even potentially force a lot of smaller gyms out of business which seems to be the trouble with areas like south jersey in trying to create truly level 5 teams. with so many teams, it's nearly impossible to get all the talent in one gym. as terrible as that may sound, maybe a big name like ace or in all my hopes and dreams, cheer extreme, to expand to jersey would make Jersey, and even specifically south jersey, would bring together the talent dispersed throughout like a hundred gyms into one hell of a powerhouse.