Playing Devil's Advocate here:
I can see, to a point, what they're talking about. In the sense that when you have a small area with a TON of small gyms of a similar skill level, it might make sense competitively to just come together into one bigger gym (or even 2, depending on the amount of small programs!). People say they like 'choices', but I think they're imagining their choices being between CA vs SOT, CEA vs Charlotte, NJ vs CJA or another mid-size program, etc. Or even just various mid-size programs with a decent talent pool. Not choosing between 2 or 3 smaller programs that vary so much in talent/ages, you'd have to switch back and forth each year in order to have the appropriate age/level team for your kid. People are looking for a gym they can grow with, but with smaller gyms in MANY cases I'VE seen, it's inevitable you'll need to switch. Not having to do that (unless the gym is bad), can be a welcome thing.
I'm not saying bulldoze all the small gyms. We have plenty of people from small gyms here..but let's not lie to ourselves- how many people on here don't spit on some of the 'bad' small gyms (with words!), or lament how they might improve if they just go with the big gym? Plus let's be real- generally speaking if they're on here, they're not going to be small for long, unless it's by choice!