My daughter was at a very small gym. Initially there was one cheer team and one hip hop team. Both youth teams. Each team had six girls. Only it was the same six girls on both teams. We all really enjoyed each other's company and had a lot of fun. Over the subsequent years circumstances changed and ultimately we left the gym after five years and made the move to a large gym.
We have been at the large gym currently for four years.
I admit I had no clue what to expect. Everything was so different than what we were familiar with. As adolescent as it sounds, I felt like a freshman coming into the new gym whereas I had been more like a senior at the smaller gym.
The large gym was a little intimidating and impersonal initially. I felt like an intruder since they had all been cheering together for years. Things were so different and there was no clear point of contact for my questions. I think everyone assumed we knew what to expect. Needless to say we kinda flew blind our first year.
During this same time our new gym was becoming increasing popular and expanding rapidly which further contributed to any existing communication issues within the gym, which further contributed to our unease.
In addition, I had been overly involved (not by choice) in our old gym for the past five years and I suffered cheer burnout. So, I didn't spend all my time in the gym as before. That only further alienated me (or so I felt). Don't do that. I encourage you to spend time in the gym if your comfortable doing so. That's the best way to familiarize yourself with the players and get a good feel for the program. In addition you become a familiar fixture in the gym. This will provide more opportunity for you become involved and foster new friendships. Ask questions, save your opinions, don't gossip, and don't get your feelings hurt. Introduce yourself to your team Mom and compliment her child. Just kidding on that last one.
The rest is left to chance depending on the other personalities in the gym. I have found that cliques form amongst parents within larger gyms as well. If you or your children go on social media make sure to ask the gym's policy on social media posting. One wrong post could definitely put you in bad standing with the gym.
One more thing you may have occur. This is something I had not anticipated. As a small gym you are not much of a threat to other programs. But, a large gym is. You may encounter unsportsmanlike behavior from some of the other gyms that view you as a threat. It's really a form of flattery don't let it get to you.
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