All-Star Advice To Gym Moms....

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:jawdrop:you put hand wash only on the bottom rack? doesn't it melt from the heater?

i hat the dishwasher, in fact i hate dishes. my husband does them when he is home but 3-6 months out of the year he is in a war zone so i must do them. i did learn to put all of the forks in one section, knives in one section, spoons, etc. which makes it a little quicker to unload! lol

Only the pots and pans that are supposedly not dishwasher safe. The travel mugs and stuff will melt if I put them in the bottom- I've tried it. Good thing my husband is a patient soul... I still don't get why I practically have to wash all this stuff before I put it in the dishWASHER, but maybe that's a problem for a different day. :D
My Dad (an engineer by trade) had all kinds of rules for loading the diswasher... all cereal bowls must go on the upper shelf middle row facing backward, never put a clear glass on the bottom shelf, coffee mug go on the top shelf and all the handle should face the same direction...I could go on and on. He actually did an inspection after I loaded it. My mom used to say she would ignore me if I ever married an engineer and complained to her about his behavior. I married an engineer...

Hmmm...and the advice thread comes with therapy. I never knew why I was so obsessive about how the dishwasher is loaded. But the way you just described is word for word how I do it. My dad was an engineer as well...:eek: Coincidence? I think not.
My Dad (an engineer by trade) had all kinds of rules for loading the diswasher... all cereal bowls must go on the upper shelf middle row facing backward, never put a clear glass on the bottom shelf, coffee mug go on the top shelf and all the handle should face the same direction...I could go on and on. He actually did an inspection after I loaded it. My mom used to say she would ignore me if I ever married an engineer and complained to her about his behavior. I married an engineer...

I bet your dad also pitched a fit if your mom tried to pack the trunk of a car for trips. I know my Dad (engineer by trade) NEVER allowed my mom near the back. There was a very deliberate method to the mayhem. My husband - not an engineer also won't let me pack. He takes it all out and says "go sit in the car I got this". He also realigns everything in the dishwasher - I apparently am not capable. But that's okay with me...more time to play on FierceBoard! LOL
I am curious about what else I do wrong with loading the dishwasher...I only put knives down and everything else is up. That cupieqt probably has some good advice, but I doubt she would approve of me washing me hand wash only stuff in the dishwasher's bottom rack...

Nah I throw it all in and wherever it'll fit. It's like Jenga or Tetris! And if it can't be put in a dishwasher I don't need it.

Dishes are like kids, right? Stack em however they'll fit and if they're too delicate for the dishwasher they can go back to the china cabinet.
Nah I throw it all in and wherever it'll fit. It's like Jenga or Tetris! And if it can't be put in a dishwasher I don't need it.

Dishes are like kids, right? Stack em however they'll fit and if they're too delicate for the dishwasher they can go back to the china cabinet.
So its really funny that a thread for advise is about dish washers ... mine broke and I have to hand wash everything!!!!!!
I think the summer heat is getting to us all.....
My advice? You raise your kid and I'll raise mine.....I won't look in your wallet and you don't look in mine. None of us knows what another family goes thru to afford what they can....Yes, my husband and I are giving our daughter a cheer room, but you know what, it took me 10+ years and over 8 miscarriages before we had our daughter, I worked for 15+ years and my husband is STILL working after 30 years in the working world and 25 years in the army. Yes, we have an iPad, but when my daughter is in the hospital and they are sticking her for the 13th time, for a suitable IV site or when they are hanging another unit of blood, because they just can't get her HH counts to come, I can hand her the iPad or a iTunes card to get a new show/app, it gives her a bit a joy in a sucky situation....I have SOOOOOOO much respect for many of yall on this thread, but come on now, let's stop putting other's down because of each other situation...You never know anyone's story, till you walk a mile in their shoes....
Now then, I will have sweet tea, casseroles and cookies on the back porch for anyone who wants to get out of the heat and join me. :)
My mom could be considered one of "those moms". I only cheered for four seasons before I aged out, and now I'm doing college cheer. My first year of cheer I was on a senior 2 team and when I was asked to crossover to the junior three team because a girl got injured, we were ecstatic (for me not that the girl got hurt) because that was the team I had wanted to be on. But in my second year of cheer on my senior 4 team, I had a LARGE bobble for the first time and I cried. And she cried with me. When I switched to a new gym the next year and fell for the first (second and third) time, she cried right along with me. When I got my full after working on it for a year and a half, she screamed just as loud as I did. When I didn't make the worlds team even though I had more skills than others who made it, we both cried. Not because she's a crazy cheer mom, but because she knew how badly I wanted it and how I'd never have my dream of going to worlds come true. When I had to miss my SO5 practice because of work and I was asked to come to the worlds team's practice, and I flew the stunts better than the other girls who had been flying the whole time, she held me while I cried because I knew that no matter what, I'd never be on that team. When I quit cheerleading for about two months last summer, because I literally had a mental breakdown and she couldn't even force me to go to the gym because I hated it so much, she let me because cheerleading was literally killing me at that point. I was miserable and hated everything about it. She cried with me when I was asked to sign with my college squad, because this was something I had been dreaming of since I was 14. She cried when she told me I made NCA staff. Maybe my mom is just an emotional person, but she's one killer cheer mom. She pushes me because she knows that I need it and that I can be better.
Only the pots and pans that are supposedly not dishwasher safe. The travel mugs and stuff will melt if I put them in the bottom- I've tried it. Good thing my husband is a patient soul... I still don't get why I practically have to wash all this stuff before I put it in the dishWASHER, but maybe that's a problem for a different day. :D

oh okay, phew. i was really worried for a second. i used to throw my pots and pans in there anyway but over the years they got ruined. just this past xmas i got a killer deal on a really nice set of pans and bought them. ever since i have been handwashing them. but i actually grill most of the time anyway so whatever.
My Dad (an engineer by trade) had all kinds of rules for loading the diswasher... all cereal bowls must go on the upper shelf middle row facing backward, never put a clear glass on the bottom shelf, coffee mug go on the top shelf and all the handle should face the same direction...I could go on and on. He actually did an inspection after I loaded it. My mom used to say she would ignore me if I ever married an engineer and complained to her about his behavior. I married an engineer...
Hmmm...and the advice thread comes with therapy. I never knew why I was so obsessive about how the dishwasher is loaded. But the way you just described is word for word how I do it. My dad was an engineer as well...:eek: Coincidence? I think not.
lol my dad and brother are both engineer and my mom is a project manager over engineering and her boyfriend is. growing up was a pain! they are so analytical about EVERYTHING! i always say things wrong but it makes sense to me so that should work right? no i had to follow the rules of everything to the t or they all get pissed hahah!
This is my daughters last year for all stars - she started at age 7. She could super sr but I am not sure she will depending on where she goes to college. Time really does fly by - so just enjoy it while you can - and don't sweat the small stuff :)
I certainly understand and to some degree agree. However I personally choose from a customer service position to do it the way I do. I do this in the cases where I can see professionally that the child is just wasting time and the parents money. I gain more by being up front and honest with the child/parent than I do just taking their money knowing I am not able to produce what is reasonably expected. Usually after a month or so they come back and everything is fine. They just needed someone to show them in a loving manner that this is not acceptable behavior.

I also give away a lesson or two per month to those parents who may be struggling or if a child needs the extra help. Needless to say the majority of times my privates are booked solid up to two months in advance and my skill clinics/camps sell out in a day. It is not all because of my coaching and the results, but by the way I treat both the parent and child. Many parents have thanked me that I respected them enough to tell them to save their money for awhile from privates and just come to tumble class or open gym. They understand at the end of the day I am looking out for both of them.

You sound like a great coach. I hope that the parents in your gym really show their appreciation for you. I think it is great the way you handle it - and I am sure that is why you are filled. I think the coach in my advice situation really did their best too - I was just fired up by the total lack of respect the parent showed the coach and it was clearly showing in the way her child was acting to the coach that this parent had basically already taught their child that as long as you are paying people you can treat them however you want. Then to come into the parent room and to laugh about it and brag that because she was spending the money the coach had to deal with it. I know most of us moms really try to teach our CPs to respect their coaches - but there are a few parents out there that have that attitude. Luckily they are few and far between.
Am I confused or was this thread "Advice to Cheer Moms"? That kind of implies giving advice but doesn't mean anyone has to take it.

The whole flap over recommending an iPad astounds me. I don't have one but having someone say it doesn't in any way offend me and I can't relate to how that is anymore offensive than any of the other advice that I think is silly in this thread and I think there is plenty.

I've had the privilege of knowing cheermeup for 10 years and the idea that she would have intentionally offended or hurt anyone is truly laughable.

All the stuff about her not knowing anyone's socioeconomic status or what some people have to go through to put their children in cheer, shows that they don't know what kind of woman she is and what she's done either.

If I had small children and Terri and I died tonight, she would be one of 3-4 people that I would want to raise my kids (and none of those 3-4 are family).

Because I know they would get 100% of her every day, just like her kids do now.

So I'm thinking we should all just ease up a bit. Agree or disagree with what you want. But try to do it with a bit of class since I know you're all capable of that.

Just because it deserves repeating.
My Dad (an engineer by trade) had all kinds of rules for loading the diswasher... all cereal bowls must go on the upper shelf middle row facing backward, never put a clear glass on the bottom shelf, coffee mug go on the top shelf and all the handle should face the same direction...I could go on and on. He actually did an inspection after I loaded it. My mom used to say she would ignore me if I ever married an engineer and complained to her about his behavior. I married an engineer...
I married an architect who designs hospitals for a living. He can put an MRI in your bathroom and a gamma radiation laser in your garage and make it work, but ask the man to load a dishwasher efficiently.....not so much.
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